~draw me close~

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Alright class! Today we will be learning about-
Ms Mendeleiv stopped talking mid sentence. She had an angered look on her face


Nathaniel seemed to be focused on his sketch book instead of todays science lesson

Ms mendeleiv made her way to the back of the class smacking her hand against his desk

Nathaniel! What are you drawing?

Wha- wha-
Nathaniel seemed to be at a loss for words

And these artistic endeavors are why you are failing science!

I-I'm sorry....

You go march yourself to the principals office and show him this chicken scratch then you'll be REALLY sorry!
Ms mendeleiv scolded

As Nathanial was walking his way to the front of the class he tripped revealing his drawings to the whole class.

They all seemed to be of him saving marinette or involving marinette in some way.

Chloe began making her dumb remarks as everyone in the whole class began to stand up just trying to get a singular glance at the "romantic" drawings.

Enough! Nathaniel, go!
Ms mendeleiv took the book from Chloe and shoved it into Nathaniel's arms sending him straight to the office.

I felt bad for Nathaniel I knew it had to be embarrassing for him especially since Chloe butted in.

I leaned over towards joella as she signaled that she had something to say to me

Well what an entertaining way to start class.
She said with a slight giggle

Yeah... I guess so. I hope he is okay. That had to be embarrassing.

Did you two see those drawings?
Adrien butted in

Yes. Honestly they were pretty good, definitely not chicken scratch

I just don't know why someone would draw something like that. Isn't that like invading Mari's privacy?

Adrien just shrugged his shoulders.

I guess marinette could take it that way but personally I find it kinda sweet. You can tell he really adores her, he had every feature of her face drawn perfectly and beautifully.

Sure his drawing was kinda good but do you two not find that creepy?

Considering that I have had fans try and sneak into my bedroom to get pictures of me sleeping.... No, the drawings are not the slightest bit creepy.
Adrien said in full seriousness.

Me and joella couldn't help but laugh no matter how serious the situation was.

Ms mendeleiv explained that we were going to be doing a group project with groups of four

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