~so this is love~

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~Vivian's p.o.v.~
It was odd for kaili to be this nice to me.
Me and her didn't exactly see eye to eye at first, I can tell her and adrien have something especially since I could see the slight glimmer of makeup on his neck and she was wearing a turtleneck. I'm not dumb. Something is going on here. It gets cold at night but during the day it isn't cold enough to be wearing a full on knit turtleneck.

The two model boys had to leave for a meeting or something to do with their families brands leaving me and kaili alone. We were told to meet them back infront of the louvre in an hour, but what would we do till then.

Kaili eventually broke the silence.

You know... I could really go for some ice cream. Why don't we go find Andre?

Who is Andre?
I question. I haven't been in paris long enough to know anything much about the city

Andre the ice cream man. He mixes flavors based on your soulmate, he also is known for his sweethearts ice cream. It's like couples ice cream. You are supposed to share it with your boyfriend or girlfriend and it is supposed to lock in your love forever.

I don't believe in that kind of stuff but sure. Sounds fun.

We began to walk down the street. She pulled out a tracker app on her phone

Ah ha! He is on the Pont des Arts bridge. If we hurry we can catch him. Cmon!
She grabbed my arm and took off running. I ran as fast as my legs could take me because I didn't she was sure to drag me down the road.

We finally made it to the bridge, I stood there trying to catch my breath and I took my eyes off her for one second and before I knew it she was half way across the bridge.

W-wait up!
I say chasing after her

We walked up to the ice cream cart.

You go first!
She said shoving me ahead of her

Hmm- chocolate for his hair, white mocha for his skin and fresh almonds on top as a symbol of new love.

He hands me the ice cream.

This has to be rigged right?
Surely kaili messaged this guy and told him to say that because there is no way- is there a way?

I stepped aside allowing kaili to step forward

Alright hmm- mint for his eyes, strawberry for his lips and a golden caramel sauce for his hair.

She just paused.

She snapped out of it grabbing the cone and walking over to where I was standing

Yours reminds me a awful lot of adrien.

Ahahah no- he is just a friend. My best friend.

I wanted to smack her already

She must have a really big sweet tooth because she ate her ice cream faster than I had ever seen anyone eat Ice cream.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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