Adjusting to anchors

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Stiles POV
I was in my bed, sleeping. I opened my eyes, and I was locked in something. Light shone on my face through little gaps.
I didn't know where I was. So I hit the metal sheet trapping me in.
I kept hitting, and it fell open.

I was in the locker room. I looked around and found nothing, so I went into the hall. I was at school?
I walked into a classroom, and the Nemeton was there. In the middle of the floor. The windows were broken, and chairs pushed aside.

I stepped forward placing my hand on the stump. And suddenly I was awake. Gasping
"Are you okay? Stiles?" Skylar asked beside me
"Yeah I was just dreaming" I said exhaling heavily
"It was weird. It was like a dream within a dream" I explained my hand on the girls knee
"A nightmare?" She asked
"Yeah" I whispered rubbing her hand

Then I realised, Sky didn't stay the night. Why was she here?
I looked at her, and she smiled looking at our joined hands. I sat up straight

"Wait a sec. Skylar.... what are you doing here?" I asked her

The door creaked open
"Hang on" I got up
"Stiles, where are you going?" Sky asked me
"I should close the door" I replied
I stood up, and went to close it.
"Just go back to sleep" the girl mumbled
"No, no. I should close it." I got off the bed
"Don't worry about it" she whispered
"What if someone comes in?" I asked
"Like who?" She asked

The door opened more

"Just go back to sleep Stiles" she said
"No. What if they get in" I whispered scared
"What if who gets in?" She asked

The closer I got the more Skylar called for me. But I had to close it. "Stiles. Just leave it please." She said
"Stiles? Stiles come back to bed. Stiles please. Don't stiles. Don't. Please don't go in there" She begged

I walked through the door. And I was in the forest.

The lacrosse field lights turned on, showing the Nemeton
"This is just a dream. It's just a dream, you're dreaming. Wake up Stiles. Wake up! WAKE UP!" I shouted to myself

I woke up then, light on my face from the window.
Dad came into the room "hey, time to get up kiddo. Get your butt to school" he said
And I got out of bed, sighing

I walk down the schools stairs with Scott. "And you couldn't wake up?" He asked
"Nope, and it was beyond terrifying. You ever hear of sleep paralysis?" I replied
"Uh, no, do I want to?" He asked
"Well, have you ever had a dream where you feel like you're about to wake up, but you can't move or talk?" I asked
"Yeah, yeah I've had that" he nodded
"It happens because during REM sleep your body is basically paralyzed.  It's called muscle atonia. That way if you start dreaming about running, you don't actually start running in your bed." I explained
"That makes sense" Scott said
"Sometimes your mind can wake up before your body does. So for this split-second, your actually aware that your body is paralyzed." I said
"And that's the terrifying part" Scott finished
"It turns your dreams into a nightmare. You can feel like you're falling, like your being strangled, or, in my case, like you're at the centre of a grove of mystical trees where human sacrifices took place." I kept talking as we walked up the stairs

"You think it means something?" Scott asked as we walked into the actual school
"What if what we did that night..... what if it's still affecting us?" I asked
"Post-traumatic stress?" He asked
"Or something" I finished

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