𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 4

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Cade's POV

"WAKE UP!EVERYBODY WAKE UP!" The guards said, Liam went into my room and said.

"Time to wake up Cade"

"Why? Whats happening?" I asked but Liam ingnored me and continued to cuff me and led me outside.

All of the prisoners ere outside all lined up, I saw Monty and Jasper I was lucky enough to be placed near them.

"Hey, any idea what's happening?" I asked them hoping for an answer to be said, but they also didn't know I saw Liam walking to my side so I stopped him and asked.

" What the fuck is happening?" I asked Liam.

"Just follow their orders and no harm will be done ok?" He said, I let go of his arm and watched him walked to one of the guards and nodded at him. They started to make us walk towards the exit clearly everyone also curious to whats happening.

"Hey! Can anyone tell us what the fuck is happening?" I heard one of the delinquents said, the guards just ignored the question and kept walking.

"Where are going?" Jasper asked,I started to look at something that could help us find where we are heading,

'Airlock' "Fuck", Monty noticed the change of expression.

"Why? Found anything?" He asked.

"They're going to put us in a ship or something" I answered.

"Put us in a ship?"

"Yes Monty on a ship" I said then I saw Abby with Kane.

"Abby! What's happening?" I asked but she just ignored me.

"Quiet down!"

One of them said and continued to walk, I took one last look on Abby she was saying her goodbyes to someone but I couldn't see who it was so I tried to hold up the line for a minute, It was Clarke but she was unconscious then I walked again so that the guards won't be suspicious on to why the line was taking too long.

"Clarke is unconscious" I said to Jasper and Monty, they looked at each other then Jasper said.

"She must've been tranquilized" He said, then we stopped for minute and gave us wristbands.

"Never take them off. If you take those off your dead." Commander Shumway said and led us to a ship, 'Exodus, its the Exodus Ship' they started to buckle us up and uncuffed us. Me, Jasper and Monty were seated together, I saw Clarke being placed just across us still unconscious she's seated with Wells.

"Thats not a good sight" I said.

"What?" Monty asked.

"Nothing" I said and waited for Clarke to wake up and thinking where the fuck are we going.

Clarke's POV

'I feel the sun on my face. I see trees all around me, the scent of wildflowers on a breeze. It's so beautiful. In this moment, I'm not stranded in space. It's been ninety-seven years since a nuclear apocalypse killed everyone on Earth, leaving the planet simmering in radiation. Fortunately, there were survivors.

Twelve nations had operational space stations at the time of the bombs. There is now only the Ark, one station forged from the many.

We're told the Earth needs another hundred years to become survivable again. Four more space-locked generations, and man can go home, back to the ground. The ground, that's the dream. This is reality.'

"Prisoner three-one-nine, face the wall." My guard said, 'Reality sucks.' I mentally said.

"What is this?" I asked as my guard placed a wrist band on my arm and trying to get a hold of my other arm.

𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓼 𝓐𝔀𝓪𝔂Where stories live. Discover now