𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 25

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Monty’s POV

“Oh, my God.” I said as Jasper looked at me confusingly.


“Earth is scary. It's amazing fresh air, trees, nuts. These taste better than usual, right? Oh, I'd like to give earth a giant hug.” I said as I twirled around.

“You're acting weird.” He said as he continued to finish his nuts.

“I feel weird, but in a good way.” I said, once Jasper was finished with his nuts he stood up.

“I’m gonna pee.” He said as I nodded.


Jasper’s POV

As I relieve myself I started to see Grounders  outside the camp, I zipped up my pants and ran over to Octavia, “Octavia? Octavia, I think I'm going crazy, or the Grounders are here, or I'm going crazy, or-“

“Ok. Just slow down. Just tell me what you saw.” She asked I pointed to the the grounder.

“Him.” I said as Octavia looked at me like I was crazy.

“Jasper, there's no one there.”

“He's right there! We have to run. We have to run. Why isn't anyone doing any-“

“Stop it. Shut up. Jasper, are you on something?”

“ love you, and I just want you to know this. We're all gonna die soon, ok? I love you.”

He said as he tried to eat another nut from his hand before I take it away from him, “Is this all you've eaten today?” She asked.

“It is, but who the hell cares now? It’s-“

“You're totally bombed. Relax. Here, buddy. Take this.”

She said as she handed me a stick, “It's a stick.” I said as I looked at her in confusion.

“No. This is an anti-grounder stick. So as long as you hold this and you sit right here, grounders won't be able to see you. See?” She said as I nodded.

“Yeah. Makes sense. I'll just stay right here. Does make sense.” I said as I sat on a rock and held the stick close to my chest.

“Stay right there.” She said as she ran off, heading to the dropship.


Octavia’s POV

“Get out.” Miller said as I opened the hatch.

“Relax. I thought you might be hungry. A peace offering. I shouldn't have come up here alone earlier. It was stupid and dangerous, and he's not worth it. I won't tell Bellamy if you won’t.” I said as I handed him a handful of Jobi Nuts, he gladly took it and gestured for me to leave.


Cade’s POV

“This changes everything. No more running from spears. Ready to be a badass, Clarke?” Bellamy asked as Clarke looked at ma and back to Bellamy.

“Look. I'm not gonna fight you on bringing guns back to camp. I know we need them, but don't expect me to like it.” She said as she sighed.

“We're lucky the rifles were packed in grease. The fact that they survived means we're not sitting ducks anymore. You need to learn how to do this.” I said as I handed her a rifle, she smiled at me but I ignored it and grabbed another rifle.

𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓼 𝓐𝔀𝓪𝔂Where stories live. Discover now