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"I'm not sure I'm ready to say goodbye." Blake wraps me in his arms from behind and nuzzles my neck.

Honestly, I don't know if I'm ready to go home. Covid aside, these past few weeks with Blake have been nice. My period started two days ago, and I'm relieved I'm not pregnant, but I already miss the volcanic sex. It's given us a chance to know each other though, and we've stayed up into the late hours of the night, talking about everything we can think of. I've learned Blake's favorite color is green, he likes racquet sports, and he gives a mean massage. He's also supportive and encouraging, constantly asking about my writing and other hobbies. Instead of looking through me to the next woman, he's the first man to see me.

I spin around and wrap my arms around his neck, standing on my toes to reach his mouth in a kiss. "I don't know about you," I say against his lips, "but I don't plan on breaking up any time soon. We can see each other as often as you like."

With his hand on the small of my back, he pulls me close until our hips touch. Then he brushes my hair back and tucks a lock behind my ear. His cerulean eyes glitter and his mouth lifts into a lopsided grin.

"Maybe it's wrong, but I'm glad we were quarantined together. You made a crappy situation more bearable."

"And you've given me confidence and support," I say, pressing my head into his chest. I don't think I'd have given up my querying, but that last rejection would have set me back at least a few months. And as for dating, I certainly wouldn't have sought anyone out for that. Until Blake, I've never been desirable, and I'm grateful beyond words for everything he's done.

"You did the hard part. I was only reminding you of your potential."

We break apart, but not before we kiss one more time. Then I retrieve all of my belongings that have found themselves scattered across his house, all except for those missing panties. I think he keeps them hidden to vex me. I haphazardly stuff my clothes into my bag and bring it to the living room where my laptop is.

I take a final look around and sigh. I miss my room and my cat, but I'll be sad to go after spending so much time with Blake. It's not like I won't come back, but staying with him was intimate and eye opening. We've formed a special bond, and I'm afraid that it'll somehow slip away the moment we go back to our daily lives.

"Are you alright?"

I nod and turn to Blake with a wry smile. "Yeah, it just feels strange leaving, that's all."

He takes my hand in his and kisses my palm, followed by my wrist. My heart flutters and my tummy does little somersaults at his touch. It's naive to think it'll always be this way, but I want to believe the feeling won't fade any time soon.

"I plan on bringing you over often." His eyes sparkle and his lips curve upward. His hand glides to my waist and he asks, "How long is your monthly?"

"Horny already?" I ask with a laugh.

He raises an eyebrow and pulls me against him, where I can feel the arousal in his shorts. "Does this answer your question?"

I blush and avert my eyes. I'm too mortified to admit that yes, it answers my question and yes, I'm equally turned on. Sadly, it will have to wait. I clear my throat. "There's always your hand?"

He laughs and releases me, picking up my bag and slinging it over his shoulder. "Don't worry, you're worth waiting for."

I hope so. Even though he's assured me countless times he's here to stay, the snide voice in the back of my head tells me it's too good to be true. Maybe it's the self-destructive side of me that worries it'll fall apart because sooner or later, everyone I care about leaves. I cast the thought aside though because I really want this to work.

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