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"What plans do you have that don't involve me?" Val asks indignantly on Friday.

It's the first time she's ever texted me where I've had to blow her off with the honest excuse that I'm doing something. The first thing she did was call me to make sure I'm not lying to get out of socializing, and I can't keep the smile out of my tone.

"Val, I enjoy all the time we spend together, but I have a date tonight."

The line goes silent for a moment. Then, "With who?"

Part of me doesn't want to tell her yet. Blake and I got off to a bit of a rocky start. What if I jinx it? But Val is also my best friend, and she'll find out, anyway.

I sigh. "Do you remember that doctor I ran into at the bar on my birthday?"

I can almost hear the gears turning in her head and see the huge grin on her face. She says something in rapid Spanish I don't understand, but I know she's happy for me. "There's a lot you haven't been telling me. How well do you two know each other? How were you able to connect? And don't you think it's strange that he's your doctor?"

Ah, the ethics. Working in a hospital herself, that's the first thing she'd think of. "He's not actually my doctor," I correct. "He texted me right after the accident so I could fill out a form, but I never deleted his number. After you left...well, he texted me, and I answered."

Only half the truth, but I can tell her the rest later when I'm not getting ready. Problem is, she wants these details now. "That can't be all. Did he apologize? Did he kick his friend's ass? A girl needs to know these things. Oh my God, does Jim know?"

"Hell no. Dad would have his friends run all sorts of background checks on him before interrogating Blake himself." Not to mention, he'd probably polish a shotgun for shits and giggles. It's not that he's against me making my own decisions, but he's so damn protective sometimes—much like Val in a way.

I balance the phone between my shoulder and ear as I look for something to wear. "I promise I'll tell you everything afterwards, but I really need to get ready. Blake told me to be ready by six."

"Okay, but bring a can of mace and don't forget protection."

I groan. "Yes, Mother."

"Hey now, chica, I'll still spank you for that sass."

"Spank me and enjoy it," I say with a snort. "You make all these promises..."

"And maybe one day I'll keep it. You might even enjoy it yourself. Just promise me you'll be safe?"

I love my best friend and all she does to look out for me. Even when she's overbearing like this, I can't be annoyed with her. "I'll be fine. I'll text you when I get there to let you know I'm alive. I really do need to get off the phone though."

"Okay. I love you, angelita. If you need to fake a headache, call me, and I'll come get you."

With loud kissing noises, we end the call, and I check the time. It's already four o'clock, and I still need to shower, find clothes, and convince myself this is a good idea.

A text came in while I was on the phone, and I feel a little dizzy at the content.

'Bring a swimsuit.'

Residential pools aren't unheard of, but sheesh. What else does he have, a secret rocket ship?

"Okay," I mutter, "don't judge the guy. You asked him out."

"Asked who out?"

Dad's voice comes from the other side of my door, and I cross the room to fling it open. Planting my hand on my hip, I scowl. "Are you listening in on my conversations?"

My Bad Boy DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now