5. All alone

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I woke up with the warm sunlight on my face. I looked at the clock to see it was 11. Ouch, I always woke up early.

Guess that's what weddings do to you.

I twisted to the side, only to find an empty bed. I yawned, doing a few stretches and going into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and came out. Looking over the wardrobe I saw a large pile of neatly folded clothes for me. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a tee and went in for a shower.

"Hey... Your name please?" I asked the girl as I waddled into the kitchen.

"Julie, ma'am. I made breakfast for you." The blond informed, kind of... rudely?

"Thanks. I was too tired, I will try and wake up early from tomorrow." She simply nodded, leaving me with this amazing amount of food.

I took a little of everything and started eating. It was delicious but I kept thinking about Julie.

There was nothing warm about her like, unlike how warm I found Shane. Did I already cross her off?

Who cares?

You should, she just made you breakfast. She could poison it anytime she wants.

....maybe I should start making my food myself.

"Good morning Athena." Shane's voice snapped me out of my food poisoning thoughts. "Morning!" I said cheerfully, motioning him to sit.

A question that had been nagging me suddenly popped up again. "Shane, where is Ace? Has he already gone for work?" His jaw dropped a bit, as if not knowing up to say.

"Shane....?" He shut his mouth, scratching his neck. "He...uhh....he left for San Fransisco."

.... I blinked twice. "He what?"

"He left for San Francisco for an important meeting." Annoyance surged through me as I took the next bite quite harshly.

He left without telling me, and he left right after our marriage. Does this guy even care? I was simply one of the many proposals he has faced, why did he agree to this?

"Sorry." Shane muttered and went out of the kitchen. I scoffed, finishing my plate angrily and left it there, not even caring to clean it up.

"Shane? Will you buy me 3 cans of all colors of paint in the afternoon?" He looked flabbergasted but nodded.

Ace, I am gonna destroy your homey mansion.


I kept myself busy with my works till the afternoon. I ran multiple businesses, including cafès and the tours and travels department.

I had one true talent:- jewelry making.

Not just a thread and beads making, I could melt actual metal and form it into any shape I want. I have done multiple designs and I auction it off online once in a while, one-piece not less than 100,000 dollars. I use expensive metal and fancy stones, also it stays brand new for a long time, so it's worth it.

I was working on my laptop when a knock was heard. "Come in!" Shane poked his head in. "I have the paint cans...?" It almost came out as a question and I laughed at his tone. I stood up from the bed and closed my laptop.

"Come on, I have a fascinating and fantastic idea."

Looks like Shane was regretting what he did.


"It's an order. Straight to work?" My now business partner nodded fearfully and shook hands. "Alright, good day Mr. Geoffrey."

I stood up and left his office. That fucker had the guts to double-cross me. I took care of it, but it needed a bit of blackmailing.

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