35. Never forget

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As soon as I opened my eyes I realized, things took a drastic turn.

Our naked bodies were pressed up against each other. His one hand in my hair and the other wrapped around my waist, our legs tangled under the duvets.

Ace was still sleeping peacefully, while I?

My tears were starting to soak up the sheets. I can't believe this, I slept with Ace.

A day ago I didn't want to sleep with him since it would have been a rushed, morning sex. And when it did happen, was it any perfect? We were fucking drunk.

After the initial shock, I was quite okay with it, since lusting after him made me realize it would happen sooner or later. I was crying thinking of his reaction when he wakes up.

He didn't do it on purpose, what if he regrets it? What if he ignores me? What if he gets angry at me for not stopping him?

My head pounded with the alcohol I chugged down last night, plus the annoying thoughts I had in the morning. I buried my face into his hard chest, the warmth radiating off him was a relief.

.....this feels nice. 

But won't this soon stop? He will wake up soon and possibly get disgusted that he slept with me, push me away, be angry at me, not talk to me, or maybe worse, like- -

"Your thoughts are so loud for morning." My breath hitched as my eyes snapped open to meet the gaze of the stormy grey eyes.

Shit shit shit.

"I didn't mean for this to happen, I was drunk, I am sorry- -"

"So was I, but I am not sorry." Ace cut my nervous rambling off with the most soothing words I have ever heard.

He...doesn't regret it?

"You don't regret it?" I asked dubiously, not knowing what to expect.

He was bipolar, one reason he was unpredictable.

"Not even one bit." Ace mumbled into my neck, making me smile. Well fine. It wasn't love-making, but it will be. One day.

I am waiting for that.

I broke out my train of thoughts when Ace's lips connected my cheeks, placing a soft kiss there and then on my temple.

Of all the things we did the previous night, this was the most intimate one to me.

"Last night was splendid but this...this is incredible." He murmured against my face, pulling me in closer to his warmth.

My face tinkled under his kisses, a butterfly sensation lingering in my stomach. Ace was kissing me, sweetly.

"Do you even remember anything?" I asked gloomily, hoping I would remember any imagine or voice in my head.


It was my first time with him, I longed for it and then I remember pitch-black darkness. If I don't even remember, what's the point?

Ace watched my face turn into a frown, making him kiss my cheeks a lot more. "I am sorry, we both shouldn't have gotten drunk, not that much."

Yeah....we shouldn't have.

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