Chapter 19

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Mason POV

I sat down, my hand holding Lottie's hand up gently as I carressed her fingers bringing them to my lips as I kissed her hand. She looked so peaceful, yet pale. I just needed her to be up, so I could see her beautiful smile, I needed her to look at me with the love and affection she always showed me. I needed by my side, as we looked after our children and this pack together. But most of all, I needed her to be okay.

"Everything will be okay, I promise" I whispered gently laying her hand back down, but still holding it softly. I looked at Lottie, her hair was everywhere yet she still looked as sexy as she was the first time I looked on her, the paleness on her skin worried me and I wanted for her blush to arose like it normally did when we were doing something intimate. I wanted to see her big sparkling light blue eyes that was the shade of the morning sky at its brightest. 

"Luna is doing well, her wolf is healing her. She will be waking up soon. The only thing I will suggest is that she gets plently of bed rest and nutrition. I'll go get her some medicine that she will need to take for her headache that she will have for awhile. If there are any problems come tell me and I will see Luna immediately" The doctor informed me and I nodded sighing in relief. I felt a large hand on my shoulder to which I assumed was my father. 

That was what the doctor had told me and I was glad. I didn't want anything bad to happen to her ever again.

"Alpha, your children are outside now" Tyler informed me through mind-link and I sent an okay his way.

Gently pulling my hand away from her, my body felt incomplete and all I wanted to do was go back to her but I knew my children need me. Kissing her forehead, I got up and left closing the door behind me. Looking to my right, I saw Tyler, Carter and Olivia standing each of them holding Ashton, Cameron and William. Looking at Olivia, I narrowed my eyes at her growling lowly which caused her to look down and Carter to take a step forward growling at me his eyes narrowing into slits.

Shaking my head, I silently told myself I would talk to the both of them later on. First I had to introduce them to my family.

"Mason? Are those my grandchildren!?" My mother squealed with excitement and I groaned silently knowing this was going to be one of those mums-too-hyper moments. Looking over at Dad who gave me a knowing shrug chuckled at my mothers excitement.

"Yes mum, please don't get to hyper you'll scare them. This is Ashton, Cameron and William" I said smiling at my three boys. I walked over to Tyler and softly took Ashton from his arms, walking over to where mum was, I let him look at his grandmother. 

"This is your grandmother, do you want to say hi to her?" I asked him and he looked at me and then over to mum before reaching out to her his arms stretched out for her to embrace her which made her beam with happiness gladly taking Ashton from my arms.

"Aw aren't you a little cutie" Mum said kissing Ashton on the cheek making him giggle as she began to tickle him making me laugh.

Walking over to Carter who held William I gently took him from Carter giving him a look telling him we'd talk later who then nodded. Walking back to my family, I walked towards my father, who was staring at William intently.

"Say hi to grandpa, William" I smiled and he looked up at me before nodding "Hi Graypa" He said in his baby voice making us chuckle. "Hi buddy, do you want a lolly?" Dad asked to which William nodded his head vigerously reaching out to my Dad as he squeazed his hand numerous times as a gesture for him to pick him up. Dad took William out of my arms, telling me that he was going to get William some lollies.

Walking to where Olivia was holding Cameron, I took him out of her arms completely ignoring her completely I knew she was trying to say something to me but I ignored her. I had been told what had happened to Tyler and that it was her plan. She was part of the cause my mate was in the hospital right now. I knew I couldn't hate her immediately because of the fact that Lottie was the one to walk out that door but she still helped her.

Going over to where Charlene was, she was figiting hopping on one foot as she looked at Cameron and I making me chuckle as I rose an eyebrow. "Do you need to go to the bathroom or something?" I questioned making her glare at me.

"Shush up!" She glared and I laughed. "Cameron this is Auntie Charlene, Say hi" I said and he said his hi smiling at Charlene shyly making her smile back.

"Aw he is so cute! Can Auntie get a hug from you?" She asked and I watched as Cameron nodded his head shyly opening his arms for Charlene to take hold of him. Once he was secure I looked at them smiling as they all huddled around each other looking at the babies.

Once my family had seen them, my Mum came over to me smiling "They are so cute Mason, I'm so proud of you both" She gushed giving me a hug. "Thanks mum" I smiled back.

"Come on, lets go see mummy" I said as I scooped up all three of them and they giggled nodding there heads as they said "Mumma" Walking into the room, I saw Lottie still in the same position she was in last time and I watched the boys look at me with a confused expression "Why ish mumma sleeping? Is she otay?" They asked and I smiled nodding my head. 

"Mummy is fine, she's just resting so be quiet okay" I said and they nodded there heads. Laying them carefully down next to there mum, I watched as they quietly scooted over to Lottie, the three of them giving her curious yet worried glances before settling down, Cameron laying in between her arm and body, his little hand clutching her shirt softly, while William was on the other side doing the exact same thing. Ashton looked up at me silently asking me if he was allowed to sleep on his mummy's stomach nodding my head, he carefully hopped on Lottie, making sure not to hurt him and layed his head on her stomach as he wrapped his tiny hands around her waist. Smiling at the scene, I carefully hopped into the bed with them, wrapping my arms around my family as we layed there sleeping peacefully.


Hey Guys!

I literally have no excuse as to why I haven't updated lately EXCEPT for the fact that I only just got the chance to use my laptop again as my parents had taken it from me! But I could have still used my iPod to write you guys chapters, and so for that I am sorry. It seems as if I do this quiet frequently and I'm sorry, I guess I'm lazy haha (Dont hate me!! XP) But I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It may not be as long as I wanted it to be but I felt as though that was a good stopping place, besides I will be posting up a chapter soon! Promise xx (Fingers cross I don't forget haha). Thank you for the amazing comments and votes! I loved getting to see the notifications I get as I get on wattpad!! I love you guys xx

Comment what you think of this chapter!! I hope it was cute the little scene, I'm not sure if you guys could picture it but I could!! Probably not a good detailed writer like some but I do try my best!! Also thank god Lottie is okay!! And doing well!! Let's hope she'll awake in the next chapter!! 


Until Next Time 



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