Chapter 20

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Mason POV

"Why is she still not up!? You said she would be waking up soon" I growled at the doctor. Slamming him against the wall as I had him against the collar my eyes narrowing into slits.

"I don't know Alpha, I've been looking at her charts and everything is going well, she is healing just fine we have no idea why she hasn't awoken up yet. The mind is one of the most trickest things to comprehend Alpha, there is no telling when she will be waking up, all we can hope is that she will be waking up as soon as possible" The doctor replied. Letting him go, I slammed my fist into the wall telling him to leave. Walking back into the hospital room, I sat down on the chair and just looked at Lottie.

She seemed to be doing okay, her bruises were fading away and it wouldn't be long until they were completely gone. Our children had gone to my mum and dads house, they had begun to love them and I couldn't help but smile when I thought about them. Lottie would be so happy.

My eyes wandered to her face, she was still pale but none the less beautiful, her pale pink plump lips and her cute little button nose that always seemed to scrunch up when she thought of something horrible. 

"Please wake up baby girl, I need you with me" I whispered to her, getting up and kissing her lips softly, pulling back, I brushed the stray hair on her face behind the back of her ear.

"Alpha, we need you immediately" Tyler said urgently through the mind-link.

Telling him I would be there soon, I sighed letting my hand from Lotties go, I quickly gave her one last kiss. "I'll be back soon" I whispered softly.


"How the hell did this happen you big idiot!" I shouted at Tyler who just cringed at me.

"I don't know, all I know is that when I came around to get you both some clothes like you asked and this happened!" He exclaimed.

"I want this room cleaned up immediately! When I find out who did this there will be hell to pay" I growled out slamming my hands against the desk.

I was at home, to where Tyler was and once I came here I found Tyler in my office looking around the room in utter disbelief. I looked around to see the place in a complete pig sty, paper scattered everywhere, books on the floor scattered everywhere, the window next to the desk was broken and smashed glass everywhere.

"I have people already finding out what the hell happened" He stated and I growled.

"How could no one hear the break in!? This is a pack house for godsake" I shouted.

"Alpha, I've just realized this, but isn't it a little too quiet?" Tyler said and it was only then that I realized what he was saying was true. Listening around, there was no sound of people walking around, talking, or even breathing. That was odd because normally there would be at least a few people here doing whatever but it seemed as if there was no one.

"I want you to go see where our people are and notify me immediately. I will be heading to my parents house to see if my children are okay" I stated and he nodded walking off.

I quickly made my way to my parents house, my family had lived in a seperate house from the pack house to have our one private life not wanting others to get involved, thats what most of the mated people had done while the unmated stayed in the pack house. The only reason I had been staying in the pack house was to give a better protection to my pack and because I was waiting until the day I found my mate.

I had built a home for my mate and I to share together, and I was going to take Lottie and our children to our home once everything had died down and hopefully I could show Lottie the place soon. There were enough rooms for Ashton, William and Cameron to have a room of there own and two more for her dad and my parents.

I arrived at my parents house to see the front door opened, my eyes widened with fear and I quickly made my way to the house. "Mom? Dad? Charlene? Children are you here!?" I shouted only to get no reply.

My eyes widened with even more fear, my heart racing. This couldn't happen again! I couldn't allow this to happen again!

"Mason?" I heard a voice making me look over and I sighed in relief to see my parents and sister holding one of my children at the door all of them looking at me with a worried glance. Rushing to them, I quickly gave my children a kiss on the forehead.

"Sorry, its just that there is something going on in the pack house and when I came here to check up on you guys I found the door open and you guys no where to be found I got worried" I apologized but mum just shook her head.

"There is no need to be sorry honey, its okay we get it. If something happened to you or Charlene, we would be just as worried" She stated.

"Mason, what happened?" My father asked.

"I don't know, we're trying to find out what happened,Tyler told me there was a problem I went to see what the hell was happening and saw my office in a total mess and to make matters worse was that the other pack members don't seem to be in the pack house" I stated.

"Well of course they aren't at the pack house sweetie, we got told that you all wanted us down at the meeting place to tell us some news" Mum intervined and I looked at her with a confused expression.

"What? No I didn't?" I said and my parents looked at one another with a confused expression. "Who told you this?" I said.

"Tyler did Mason"


Hey Guys!

I totally forgot our promise. I am so sorry about that! I completely forgot but I hope you guys don't mind!! I love you all so please don't hate me!! xx

Comment down below what you think!! What do you guys think of Tyler!? Do you think he was the one who messed up Masons office!? And why exactly did Tyler do that?? You guys will have to find out in the next chapter so stay tuned!!


Until Next Time


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