Chapter 47

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So, I was invited to this year's fashion week, which wasn't really a surprise.

A month ago, I got an email from Mason Margiela, a well-known Belgian designer. They offered Alessandro and me to attend their runway show during the fashion week event.

I didn't know what to feel at first, seeing that fashion isn't really my cup of tea. Nevertheless, I was kinda ecstatic.

I didn't even know this was the time where these events happen.

Being a publicly known person has its own perks. But I certainly didn't expect this. Like I'm not even a fashion influencer in the first place.

I asked Alessandro about this, and he said not to let this opportunity as this might be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

But you know what the best part is?

I'm attending Milan Fashion Week. Yes, Milan, Italy!

Hearing that heightened my excitement.

The nearest thing to another country I've ever been in was Niagara Falls when I was 12.

Alessandro was excited too, hearing that we will be going to his ancestral land.

Hailey and Jake were invited too but by a different designer. Speaking about Hailey, she has been going through the same fate as me since she and Jake finally made their relationship public.

Currently, Alessandro and I are waiting in front of Jake's apartment.

"What are these two doing? We've been waiting for the past thirty minutes." Alessandro groaned.

"They might be doing something important," I replied while checking for emails on my phone.

I heard someone knocking on the window. I turned to see and, speak of the devil, both were here.

"Hey, babe," Hailey greeted, pulling me into a hug as I came out from the car, "How are you? I missed you so much," she mumbled into my shoulder.

"I know I missed you too," I said to her.

"She's been excited to see you and going to Italy for the past few days," Jake spoke out.

"She always wanted to go to Europe," I replied.

I continued having small talk with Hailey as Alessandro and Jake loaded our luggage into the car's trunk.

"I've never felt this excited my entire life," Hailey exclaimed.

"Me too."

We started going on the road, driving to Alessandro's private plane hangar, which I've never heard about.

Hailey and I FaceTimed Amelia and Trevor. Hailey and I were making them mad for leaving them behind. Amelia said that she was invited too, but she could not attend due to her CEO duties. Trevor, on the other hand, was busy with exams.

I don't know what's going on with Trevor recently. Every time we meet, he will always be staring into nothingness. When asked, he avoided the question. I have to have a talk with him after coming back from the event.

Alessandro drove into the hangar, and suddenly my eyes were covered. I panicked.

"Alessandro what are you doing? We're gonna crash!" I screamed.

He laughed, "Don't worry, the car's on autopilot," he said.

"Jake why did you cover my eyes too?" I heard Hailey asking.

I felt the car stop. After seconds, my eyes were uncovered, and lo and behold, there was a huge jet right before me.

There is nothing that this man doesn't have.

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