Introduction and Changes

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DISCLAIMER the followings is a non-profit Fan based AU crossover fan fiction Mega Man X is owned by Kenji Infuane and Capcom Steven Universe is owned by Cartoon Network and Rebecca sugar, please support the official release

Hi Everyone!

this is going to be my first Mega Man X story and first mega man story in general, in my second crossover of Steven Universe

in this story, we'll be seeing the maverick hunters of the future, mega man x and his best friend zero join the crystal gems in their fight to protect earth from their own home, and from those that were normal gems, now reduced to mindless beasts, as they fight to return home, helping the crystal gems in their fight along the way

it's also gonna include a few twists of my own on the mega man X universe, as well as Steven Universe

Also, I assure you I haven't given up on my marvel and Steven Universe crossover, please check that out when you get a chance

here are the changes in this crossover for both worlds

For Mega Man X

Character Changes (includes enhancements for unarmored and armored for mega man x, zero and Axl)

Mega Man X can switch from unarmored to any past armors or mix and match past armors via an upgrade from dr light's capsules

Zero and use his Z-saber and Z-buster just as well,

Z-Buster Power is equal to Z-Saber

Mega Man X and Zero can learn new special weapons and techniques by touching their opponents arm (namely mavericks and potentially gems) as an alternative to defeating them

Mega man X and Zero can use both of their arm busters simultaneously if nesscary

Zero's power is on equal footing with mega man X

Axl's copy chip is more powerful then canon, on pair with the new generation reploids (but without the data of sigma)

Axl can stack transformations after his upgrade (look for the White Axl upgrade in story changes AU below for more information) transformations include defeated mavericks from X7 to command mission and can use their move sets including annihilator hadouken from ninetails

Axl's transformations can mimic their voices as well

Mega man X has access to hadouken, shinku hadouken, shoryuken and shinryuken in any armor or even when unarmored

Mega man x's armors have more enhancements then in canon

The Golden Chip (Hyper Chip) can affect any armor, depending on which X is wearing if he needs to use the chip

Mega man x can use his buster on both arms (inherited from wearing his second armor in X2)

The plasma shots are more effective

Mega man x and zero are more durable then in canon

Mega man x can access all his previous special weapons from the previous canon games, the same goes for zero and his techniques via stacking internally

Mega man x's unlimited potential continues to grow and evolve

Zero has access to his black zero and absolute zero forms

Axl has access to his stealth and White Axl forms

Absolute Zero can still use his weapons, including his Z saber and Z-Busters and his melee arsenal

Mega Man Crystal Hunter X (A Mega Man X and Steven Universe Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now