Chapter 2

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Stupid Jed brought me to a boxing match? I can't believe him

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Stupid Jed brought me to a boxing match? I can't believe him. I roughly tap his shoulder, gaining his attention. "You enjoying this Primmie?" He asks with a wide smile.

I shake my head. "Why did you bring me here? If May finds out, she'll keep me away from you." 

"May won't find out, trust me. That is if you don't tell her." I raise my eyebrow at him. "Come on Prim, enjoy life a little." He adds.

I suck in a huge breath and release it, trying to calm myself down. "Fine," I say. "But you owe me," I add to which he nods and smiles.

The boxers continue their match, throwing punches and kicks. Well, only the blue gloves boy does. The red gloves just dodge the attacks, not really making any. "Why isn't he fighting?" I ask Jed as he dodges yet another attack. Blue gloves continue throwing punches.

"Just watch," Jed says with a grin on his face. I side-eye him then turn back to face the two fighters in the ring. It is then done I notice blue gloves getting tired from all the attacks. Red gloves take that as a chance to knock his opponent out cold. I gasp as blue gloves go down and the referee declares red gloves as the winner. "Told you. It's called technique." Jed says as the crowd cheers for red gloves. 

"That was intense," I say, my eyes still wide from watching blue gloves get knocked out.

"Come on," Jed says as he grabs my wrist gently and pulls us along. He leads us to a backdoor with an older-looking security guard. "Heath," Jed says and the guard nods his head and opens the door for us. 

We enter the room. It looks like somewhat of a locker room. "What are we doing here?" I question turning to face all of them. 

The guys take a seat on the couch as they pour themselves a drink from the mini-fridge. Just then the door opens revealing red gloves that are covered in sweat, followed by two older men. "Awesome knockout," Kade says as he does this fist bump bro hug thing with red gloves.

"That was easy." Red gloves say. Then his eyes trail to mine. This is the first good look that I got of him. The way his hazel-green eyes darken. And a slight cut on his bottom lip. His disheveled hair coated in sweat and his breathing heavy. He gives me a once-over before returning his gaze back to look at the rest of the guys.

"Oh right. Heath, this is Prim. The girl I told you about. And Prim." Jed turns to face me. "This is Heath. The guy who you thought couldn't fight."

Heath's eyes narrow while my eyes widen. "I didn't say that." I defend myself, crossing my arms over my chest. "I asked you why he wasn't fighting dumbass," I say as I slap Jed's head. 

"Ow, geez maybe with your violence you'd make a great boxer," Jed says as he rubs his head. I roll my eyes.

"What is she doing here Jed?" Heath asks, his voice low and husky. And to think this man couldn't get any hotter.

"I just wanted her to see the life to this world. She's always locked up in this room with these stinky objects everyday." 

"Hey! For your information they're called flowers and they don't stink. And by the way, I choose to stay there and help May out." I say narrowing my eyes at Jed.

"Whatever princess." Jed says as he holds his hands up in surrender.

"You shouldn't be here. It's not safe for innocent people like you." Heath says breaking my staring contest with Jed. 

"Innocent? May I tell you that one time I watered May's flowers once more than I should have?" I reply back.

"It's cute how you think that's bad." Heath says, his lips now forming into a smirk.

"Whatever. Jed, it's getting late. Can we go now?" I ask turning to face Jed. Kade and Nash just watch us with amusement on their faces.

"Sure," Jed says and turns to face the other guys. "We're gonna head back now, need a ride?" 

"What? No, it's almost 11 Jed, May's gonna get really upset with me." I said tugging on his arm for us to get the heck out of here.

"Sure," Kade says with a smile and Nash follows along. "Ooooh, can we go to the night bar?"

"Hell yeah," Jed says high fiving Kade. 

"Jed, I need to get home," I say. 

"I'll take you home, I was just heading out anyway." Says a low voice from behind me. I turn to see Heath slipping on a shirt and grabbing a bag. He grabs his car keys and nods his head for me to follow him. "You coming?" He questions as I make no effort to move.

"You don't have to," I say getting nervous. I barely know the guy and now he wants to take me home?

"That wasn't a question. Let's go." He says and heads out the door. I look back to see Kade, Nash, and Jed whose faces hold each different expressions. Kade's one holds worry, Nash's one holds a look that says 'she's getting it tonight', and Jed's one has a flirty smile on his face.

"Text me when you get home okay?" Jed asks. I hesitantly nod my head as I follow Heath out to his car.

It's late outside, which means it's colder. The cool breeze hits me as I make my way to his car. I open the passenger side door and slide into the warm light. "Where's your home?" He asks as he starts the car and reverses out of the parking lot and onto the main road.

"Um, take a right and keep driving," I say and he does so. The ride is silent except for the times where I had to direct him to my house. 6 minutes later we finally arrive and I hurriedly get out. "Thank you," I mumble and close the door. He waits for me to get inside before driving off to who knows where. Probably meeting Jed and the other guys at the night bar.

Then the lights to the kitchen flicker on revealing May standing with a coffee in her hand. "Where were you?" She asks, worried lacing her voice.

Then it hits me. I totally forgot to call her. "I'm so sorry May, I forgot to call you. But I promise it wasn't someplace dangerous." My mind drifts back to when I saw Heath beating the life out of blue gloves.

She stays silent for a moment. "I'll let it slide since you did come home before 11. Just next time please make sure to call me. Or else I'll send a search party going after you." She says. I nod my head and she makes her way over to me and places a kiss on my temple. "Get some sleep." She says and walks off to her room.

I head upstairs and take a nice warm shower. I hop out and dry myself. Grabbing my phone I text Jed to let him know that I made it home safely. Wouldn't want the same reaction from Jed. Jed and May are very similar, they want to know where I am every second of the day. The only difference is that Jed likes to party while May likes to water her plants at her flower shop.

Jed replies back with a weird text, he's probably already drunk. I close the lamp on my bedside table and begin to drift off into a deep slumber. The last thing on my mind was those pair of dark hazel green eyes before darkness overcomes.

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