Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It was 5 o'clock in the morning and Jade woke up to a loud noise coming from next door. It sounded like an alarm she would hear on base. Jade covered her head with her pillow wanting more sleep, however, the alarm didn't stop buzzing.

"Jesus Christ." She banged on the wall behind her and nothing happened, someone whoever was behind her must sleep like the fucking dead. 

"Some people like to sleep." She mumbled to herself and got up jumping in the shower knowing there was no way she would get back to sleep. Her leg was still throbbing, but not as bad as before. Jade cringed when the cool water hit her scared burnt back which was feeling stiff this morning.

By the time Jade got out the shower, the alarm was turned off and replaced with loud music. Deciding to ignore the music she continued her morning routine and started on breakfast when there was a knock at the door. Jade hobbled over to the door with a towel still wrapped around her wet hair she had washed and growled when she saw Marcus standing there practically naked with a smirk on his face. 

"Our hot water is down, hope you don't mind." Jade stood gob smacked as Marcus entered her house in just a towel and walked into her bathroom without a word.  Jade snapped out of her dazed state when she heard the water starting in her bathroom. 

"Oh, he just did not." Jade stormed into HER bathroom and threw the door open not caring about the soaked and very naked Marcus who was in the shower.

"Get out you arrogant bastard," Jade yelled as she threw the shower door open and grabbed Marcus by the ear.

"Ow, let go of me." Jade had a strong grip and yanked a naked Marcus out of the shower. If she wasn't so angry she would note how very naked he was and how muscle rippled all over his body. 

"You do not get to barge into my house whenever you please, after waking me up at 5 o'clock in the fucking morning," Jade yelled as she pushed Marcus's hands behind him roughly and walked him back to his place. If he had just asked nicely, she would have let him use her shower. 

"Ow, stop women." Jade ignored him and banged on his front door knowing Marco was home.

"I am coming wait." He yelled from the other side and Jade took a minute to admire Marcus very strong and naked behind.

"What the hell?" Marco yelled when he saw his naked brother and a furious Jade.

"I think this belongs to you." Jade pushed Marcus forward who fell into his brother.

"Bro why they hell are you naked and wet." Marco pushed his brother off him and Jade tried to not look down when a cocky and arrogant sergeant turned around.

"Your brother thought he could take early morning shower at my place," Jade growled while Marco laughed.

"Sleepwalking again brother?" Jade knew it was a joke as both brothers laughed and Jade stood there crossed arms waiting for them to finish.

"Well, you better get that sleep walking fixed." Jade walked away with the brothers still laughing as she slammed her front door sending them a message she was pissed at them. Jade stormed her way into the kitchen and screamed at the frustrating man.

When she heard a knock at the door, she knew who it was, but ignored the persistent person. She put her music into her ears and played her music loud enough not to hear the knocking, but low enough it didn't burst her eardrums.

Once breakfast was cooked she sat down and smugly enjoyed her breakfast in peace. Once breakfast was finished and cleaned up Jade had nothing to do. Without being at work or being able to exercise she found that she had all this time on her hands and nothing to do with it.

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