Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

The next few weeks were tough for Jade. She saw Helen 3 times a week and when she wasn't talking about what had happened to her on her last tour she was talking about her childhood and opening up about things she had told no one before.

The first two weeks after the seizure were hard. She was always tired and her nightmares had become worse. She struggled to stay awake on a day-to-day basis and when she wasn't with Helen; she was sleeping. However, after the second week, something clicked, and the nightmares became less and even though she was still tired, she got out of the house and back into a somewhat normal routine.

Marcus was there for the first two weeks never leaving Jade's side and staying over most nights and Marco would stop by whenever he could. However, once Jade started to get better Marcus stopped staying over as often and Jade felt like she hardly saw him anymore. He always said he was busy and whenever she tried to push, he would shut down on her. 

She felt herself getting stronger both physically and mentally the last four weeks, but she knew she still had a long way to go. She had also found a temporary job teaching self-defence class as a sport at the local school once a week to occupy her time.

"Do you think you will ever have the relationship you want with your mother?" Helen asked and Jade sighed she wished she could, but unless her mother changed she knew she could never have the relationship she wanted.

"I don't think so which is sad because as much as I hate my mother she is still my mother at the end of the day." Helen nodded her head and went onto the next topic of her father.

"You told me a few weeks ago you hired someone to track down your brother and Father. Did you end up doing it?" Jade looked at her hands remembering when she told Marcus about tracking down her father and brother. He thought it was a terrible idea and said she didn't need the disappointment if they didn't turn out the way she wanted. They had gotten into a huge fight about it where he walked out and she hadn't seen him for 3 days.

"Yea, I talked to someone, and they found both my brother and father, they both live close by, but I haven't had the courage to get in contact with them." Helen looked at Jade and the sad look she had.

"Why haven't you gotten in contact with them. Jade, you said your father tried to be there when he left, but your mother wouldn't let him." Jade sighed again and started shaking her leg up and down.

"I'm worried about rejection." Helen nodded her head and waited for Jade to explain.

"Marcus and I got into an argument that they might disappoint me when I met them, then it got me thinking about what happens if they reject me or want nothing to do with me. That means I'll have no family. At least if I don't meet them I know I still got family out there." It was an idea that had kept her up this past week when she found out where her brother and father were. She knew she would never have a relationship with her mother, but she knew she still had a family.

"Let me ask you this Jade if you had a child you could never see again and found there was a way to get in contact with them after so many years, would you not try?" Jade thought about it for the rest of the day and when Marcus came round later that night she had decided.

"I don't care what you say or think I will ring my father and ask to meet up. So either you will support me or you can walk out the door right now." Jade said the moment Marcus stepped into the apartment.

Marcus stopped dead in his tracks the moment Jade started speaking and when she had finished all, he did was hold the flowers that he had bought on the way home as a sorry for being such a dick.

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