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The entity in the house was used to new people entering the town he watched. It was always the same. Someone or a group of someone's who were too foolishly brave or too idiotically desperate would arrive. They would hang around a few days. They would enter. He'd have his fun with them. They would die. It was a delightful, if predictable, cycle. He always had new torturous methods to keep things interesting. Very different personalities and tolerances and intelligences with each playmate too. All got off the bus at his street corner.

So he wasn't terribly surprised when a young woman wearing an abnormally happy expression got off and headed towards the only motel in the town. She was pretty, he supposed. Not that appearances would save her if she came inside. He'd killed incredibly handsome/beautiful people before. She was probably another investigator hoping to discover a demon, a spirit, a cult. Anything she happened to believe. If not that, a journalist.

He felt his grin grow as she paused just shy of the yard. His sharp eyes picked up the shiver that ran down her spine just by being near the lair he called home. The way her eyes widened and her breathing picked up pace ever so slightly. He could almost hear the suddenly rapid beating of her heart, though that may have just been his imagination.

She stood there maybe five minutes just staring, understanding slowly rising in her (e/c) eyes. A determined expression replaced the anxious one, slowly but surely. Then she spoke, just loud enough for him to hear though he doubted that was her intention. "I will find out your secrets, house... even if I die in the process." With that, she turned away and began walking back on her original path.

For a moment, the entity could only watch her leave in confused silence. She'd reacted differently than most did. Many moved past quickly just to avoid his home entirely. Some would get curious enough to make it as far as the porch. Very few entered straight away to prove their fear misguided. None had acted so optimistically.

A wide grin crossed his face, a soft chuckle following soon after. "Oh deary me~ You are a resilient one, I'll give you that. Breaking you will be so much fun~" The entity left the window to prepare whatever twisted game he had in mind this time. He had to make sure his latest guest had a very warm welcome. Hopefully she didn't disappoint.

Your experience with the house was the only thing on your mind as you approached the town's only motel. That anxiety... it had a perimeter. Slowly, as one got closer, the fear grew. A deterrent or a lure? You could only assume the fear would grow stronger the closer you got to the house. It had looked inviting enough on the sidewalk... but the feeling of being watched kept you from getting too close. It was probably nothing to worry about.... unless it was.

It was pursuing this train of thought that you arrived at the motel. Like the rest of the town, the building was quaint and had a warm small-town feel to it. Well attended flower beds with vibrant flora bordered the office building, the small lawn was lush and manicured, and the paint on the walls looked fresh. In comparison to the house down the street a couple blocks, they were polar opposites. You entered the office.

The inside was just as pleasant as the outside, with clean carpeting, a lovely oak desk, and a kind older woman sitting behind it. Everything in the room smelled faintly of peppermint. "Hi! How may I help you?" The woman asked, in a voice that suggested she was either a generous mother or a really generous grandmother.

"Yes, I'd like to rent a room for about a week." You smiled politely, instantly won over. Someone so sweet couldn't possibly have any ill intent ever.

"Wonderful, are you visiting family?" The woman asked, hunting for a room key. She had a warm smile on her face that only amplified her grandmotherly appearance. Finding it, she turned back to you with kind eyes.

"No, sadly." You chuckled. "I'm here to investigate the cursed house."

The woman froze, a fearful expression crossing her face. "The... cursed... house?" She put a hand to her mouth, concern practically filling the air. "Dear, please just leave that old thing be... it's not safe! Everyone who goes in suffers a horrible fate!"

Her fear for you tugged all the right heart strings, but you had an answer ready. You'd done your research and knew the locals' fears regarding the place. "I'll be careful, ma'am, I won't go inside unless I have no other choice for my investigation. Please, don't worry about me." You smiled in a way you hoped was comforting to this dear woman.

She bit her lip anxiously. "Very well... it is pointless to try and persuade you away from it. Please... do not go in. Many a beautiful and innocent soul has been lost to that horrible place..."

With that ominous note, she gave you your key, you gave her the week's rent, and you separated. The woman would be the last person to see you so carefree. But you did not know this. How could you have? Nothing could prepare anyone for the horrors poor, naive (y/n) would have to witness.

Monster (Cartoon Cat x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now