-Early September-

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It was early September, and the leaves were beginning to turn color. The air carried a stiff, prominent chill. I was waiting outside of the café for Noelle. She smiled at me as she came out. "Ready to go?" I asked. Noelle shoved her hands deep into her jacket pockets.

"Yes." She nodded.

I was taking her out to dinner for the fourth time already. We had really hit it off. The diner even knew us both by name now. I reached out and shoved my hand into Noelle's pocket to hold her hand as we got closer to the diner. The walk had warmed us both, even if only a little. We stepped into the building, heated air hitting us instantly.

We sat down in our usual booth. Mary, the waitress from our very first date, served us again.

"Back for another date you two?" She smiled. Noelle nodded.

"Yup, it's our favourite place." I chuckled, looking at Noelle.

"The usual, then?" Noelle and I nodded in unison. Mary left to put our order in.

I stared out the window. Rain had begun to fall, slowly freezing to ice as it pooled on the ground. I had decided to keep Aren's visit a secret from everyone, including Ella, and especially Noelle. I knew Ella would be upset with me for keeping something as important as his threats from her. But it was safer for Noelle that way. Noelle's voice brought me back to reality.

"You okay Locke?" She looked nervous.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I smiled gently.

"Doesn't seem like it... You've had a blank expression on your face, for awhile..."

I blinked.

"Don't be so worried Noelle. I'm okay. I promise." I reached across the table and squeezed her hand. She sighed softly and nodded. Dinner was much quieter than usual. I liked talking to Noelle, but the silence gave me time to think. I looked out the window again, now sure of my choice. I'd leave town. Tonight.

(Noelle's Point of View)

It was odd that Locke was so silent and stone-faced. Usually he would smile at me so often that I was convinced his cheeks would crack from it. He said that he was okay, but at the same time, his words seemed empty and his smile, fake. Something in my gut told me that he was scared, or at least, disturbed. Despite my curiosity, I chose not to pry.

The walk home was as uncomfortable as dinner. Locke seemed to move slower than usual. I made my pace match his. Trying to be comforting, I took his hand and squeezed it gently. He stopped and looked at me. I gazed back, now afraid that I had done something wrong. To my surprise, he wrapped his arms around me, and hugged tightly. I hugged him back as tight as I could. I heard him murmur into my hair. "I'm sorry, Noelle. Please just don't fret over me so much. It isn't good for you."

I sighed and smiled at him, nodding.

"I'll try, okay Locke? For you."

We held hands the rest of the way. Before he left, Locke kissed my head. It was strange, how comforting it was. I watched from my doorstep as he walked away, and I finally lost sight of Locke as he disappeared near the woods.

(Locke's Point of View)

I hunted again, spotting a deer not too far away. Lunging, I caught it by the throat, its legs kicking frantically as I held it there. I tore into it, ripping its throat out, and swallowing up the blood. I dug my fingers into its flesh. I savored the taste. Why was it that when I was angry, I loved when the animal struggled? I shivered.

"You can't leave Noelle," I murmured out loud. This human girl, who had captivated me upon first glance, had quickly become my everything. "But you have to leave her, Locke... She won't be safe if you stay..." I couldn't risk her getting hurt. I now realized that I couldn't keep pushing down my feelings for her. I needed her with me.

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