Chapter 3

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Izuku's POV

I wake up to the sound of crying and footsteps walking around. What's going on? My head hurts..

I open my eyes to see my mother sobbing while packing clothes and food into a few suitcases. Why's she doing that?

"Mommy? What's going on? Why are you packing? Are we going on a trip!?" I asked. I really hope we're going somewhere fun!

"Yeah sweetie. A fun little adventure ok?" She told me as she continued to pack.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I bounced around from excitement, quickly stopping when my head started to hurt.

"U-uh it's a surprise! Ok hunny?" She explained. Her voice cracked a bit. Is she ok?

"Does your throat hurt? W-why was daddy doing weird stuff?" My mind was full of questions that would probably remain unanswered.

"Don't worry about that hunny." She assured while taking the handles of the suitcases and slipping her phone into her coat pocket.

"Go ahead and get a coat and shoes on." She ushered. She looks like she's in a hurry and I wanted to ask why but I stayed silent and did as she told me.

Once I got my coat and shoes on we left. Is daddy coming? I kinda don't want him to come.. he made mommy hurt and sad, daddy's mean.

Momma took her phone out of her pocket and began to press buttons on it then held it to her ear. After a few rings i heard noise on the other side.

"H-hey Jess. I know it's been a while but c-could you maybe help me and Izuku out? I promise you it would only be a week at most." She explained to the person on the phone who I now knew as Jess. I wanna know what they say.

I heard quiet murmurs through the phone that I couldn't make into words. Mommy's face turned a bit sad before she answered.

"I know we aren't on the best of terms a-and I know the dog doesn't like people but-" mommy stoped talking and I heard a beep. Did Jess hang up?

Mommy looked at her phone and sighed in frustration. You could see her breath in the cold night autumn air.

Mom anxiously scrolled through some sort of short list on her phone before giving up and turning the phone off and stuffing it into her coat pocket.

"Alright Zuku, we're gonna go camping tonight! So don't worry alright?" She stated while crouching down to hug me. Her hug made me happy so I hugged back. We stayed like that for a bit till she got back up.

We started walking somewhere hand in hand. I didn't know where but mommy said it was somewhere to camp. This is so exciting!

After a long walk we arrived at.. a grocery store? I look towards mommy.

"Why are we here momma?" I questioned as we started walking behind the large building.

"Well uh this is our camp for the night." She tried to smile to me but I could see that she looked sad. I nodded my head.

When we got behind the building she opened a suitcase and brought out a big blanket to spread out on the ground.

"Sorry it's not the best camp site zuku.. just think of this as an adventure!" She said to comfort me. I giggled at how silly mommy was being.

"Ok mommy!" I said as I nodded my head, which began to hurt again.

I touched the spot on my head that was in pain only to wince from how sore it felt. Tears pricked in the corners of my emerald green eyes and mommy noticed.

"Oh sweetheart does it hurt? I'm so sorry baby." She came up to me and hugged me. I put my head on her should and started crying. She turned her head to kiss my cheek. Slowly my sobs turned into quiet hiccups.

"We should sleep ok zuku?" My mom sighed as she released me from our hug. I nodded my head a bit more carefully so it wouldn't hurt.

Momma layed down onto the blankets sprawled over the dirty concrete and patted the spot next to her, signaling me to lay down. I scooted over next to her and she wrapped her arms around me, warming me up from the cold.

She quickly fell asleep, but I couldn't. I was so scared and my mind was racing with questions

What was Papa doing to mommy?

Why did he hurt me and mom?

What made him yell?

Where is he?

Does he not love me anymore? Was I not good enough?

That last thought made me start crying. Quiet sobs escaped my mouth as tears ran down my freckled checks that were tainted with pink from the cold.

Tomorrow's gonna be a better day, right?

——————-Time skip to the next day———————

3rd person POV

Izuku awoke to the sound of people giggling and things scraping on the concrete. Izuku started to move and open his eyes and saw a group of teenagers running away from them with something in their hands...

Their suitcases

"Hey! Wait that's ours!" Izuku cried out to the group, but they kept running till they were out of sight. The green haired boy just sat there for a second, processing what just happened. Until his mother's words snapped him out of his daze.

"Izuku baby what's the matter?" His mother asked, noticing the shocked look on his face. The boy looked towards his mother and began to speak

"Mommy those people took our stuff, what do we do?" He anxiously questioned. The woman looked back to where their luggage had been, sure enough it was gone.

She looked at her son in a panic. "Do you know which way they went?" She asked.

The boy looked back to where they had ran and pointed his finger. "They all ran over there." He replied.

Inko began to stand up. "c'mon honey, we have to go try and find our stuff." The woman ushered and extended a hand out to the boy who was still on the ground.

Izuku took his mother's hand and stood up. They began to walk in the direction the group went.


1055 words

6/1/21 💕

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