Chapter 10

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3rd POV

"I'm Katsuki Bakugo. What's your name huh?"

The blond asks. His crimson red eyes looking at the green haired boy beside him.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya. I-it's nice to meet you!" Izuku smiles nervously as he replies.

"Tch. Anyway where's your house? You should probably get back cause your parents might be worried or something."

Izuku's smile faded as he looks at the floor. 'Nobody would care, mom left me and dad wishes I wasn't born. This all sucks.'

"Uh hello? I asked you a question. Stupid." The blond raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"O-oh! Uh well you see I don't actually live anywhere and I used to stay at an orphanage but nobody there really cared about me so I ran away and here we are now so-"

Izuku stoped talking as Katsuki flicked him on the forehead.

"You're rambling nerd. So you're homeless? You'll stay here then. My old hag would probably agree since she's too nice for her own good."

"W-wait are you sure? I'd be causing a lot of trouble and you probably be better off without me here!"

The boy with red eyes scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't sure. Isn't that obvious?"

Izuku blushed a bit from embarrassment. "Yeah.. sorry about that."

"Tch. Anyway I'll grab some clothes from my closet for you since you're still in your school uniform."

"Oh yeah, thanks!"


Izuku's POV

Katsuki's so nice and I really appreciate him! But I'm a little curious about why he'd save me from jumping off. He has to go through all this trouble when he could have let me go.

I sigh. Why can't things ever go right.

"Here nerd. The bathrooms right there so you can change and shower if you want."

I nod as he hands me a white long sleeve shirt and some grey sweatpants. I walk into the bathroom and lock the door behind me.

I look around the room and see a bathtub with a shower head at the top. A clean towel was already hanging from the shower curtain bar. There's a counter with a sink and mirror above it with drawers below it.

I set the clean clothes on the counter and slip my uniform off. I look at my arms. Hundreds of white lines cover my thighs and arms. I'm disgusting.

I frown and step into the shower, making sure to close the curtain behind me. I go to turn it on when something catches my eye.

A razor.

I can't use this to cut but they might have more somewhere.. in the drawer!

I get out of the shower and open a few drawers. I found them!

A little plastic package filled with unused blades. I smile as I carefully grab one and make my way back into the shower.

I turn the knob and the water starts to flow, I step away and let it get warm for a second before getting under.

The water gets warm enough and I step into it. I haven't had a shower in so long and it feels amazing. I close my eyes and jut let the water run down my thin body for a moment before looking at the razor.


I bring it above my left arm and drag it across the skin, a sigh of relief escapes my lips as I feel the pain. It's been way too long. 

I continue to cut into my arms and watch the blood ooze out of each line I make. The warm water makes it sting but I don't mind anymore, I've gotten used to it. 

The water pulls the beautiful red liquid down the drain and I watch it. It kind of reminds me of Katsuki's eyes..

I take the razor into my other hand and start cutting the opposite arm.

I've lost count of all the cuts I made but I know it's a lot. I smile at my work. I feel so relieved.

I set the razor on the side of the tub and wash the blood off my arms. I'll put the blade away later.

After a little I take the shampoo and rub it in my green locks of hair. Afterwards I rinse out all of the bubbles and put conditioner in and rinse that out too.

After a well needed shower I switch the water off and take the towel and dry my hair with it before stepping out.

I grab the clothes Katsuki gave me and slip them on. Why is he being so nice to me? I'm just a waste of space and I'm probably super annoying.

I look up at the mirror and just stare at my face for a moment. My eyes are too big and hideous, the freckles that litter my cheeks make me look stupid.

I sigh and stop looking into my reflection.

I take my uniform off the counter and it feels kind of heavy.. oh yeah I still have my phone in there! It's battery is dead and I haven't used it for a while.

I take the phone into my hand walk out of the bathroom.

Katsuki's sitting on the bed just looking at his phone. Once he hears me step out he looks up.

"Oh hey. I'm gonna shower too, feel free to do whatever I guess." He sets his phone down and walks into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

I set my uniform beside the bed and place my phone on top. My eyes look around and I spot the picture frame I saw earlier. Wait he said his name is Katsuki bu the note said Kacchan? Oh maybe it's like some kind of nickname.

I lay on the bed and start closing my eyes until I hear the bathroom door slam open.

"Eek!" I squeak a little from surprise and look up to see Katsuki. He looks really worried.. wait what's he holding?

I look down at his hand and my eyes widened. The razor.

"Izuku. Show me your arms. Now."


1022 words (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃


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