Chapter 11

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*the trolls wandered through the forest but poppy was feeling worried about the ali-human about what violet said about hunters and bandits going after it*

*Branch noticed her expression and he came over to her side*

Branch: Poppy? What's wrong? you've been kinda quiet lately

Poppy: I'm just kinda worried about what violet said earlier about hunters and bandits going after the ali-human, what if she's right? Bandits? Hunters? I'm worried the ali-human could be hunted down or worse, captured! *sighs as tears start falling* I don't want that to happen to her, my friends or you...

Branch: hey *Gently holds poppy's hands, tilts her chin up to face him and wipes away her tears* it'll be okay, I won't let that ali-human or anyone else be taken away, I promise...*hugs her comfortingly while rubbing her back*

Poppy (Quietly): *sighs quietly and happily* thank you branchie

Violet: Hey lovebirds! Are you coming or what...?

*Violet called out to them*

Branch: Okay let's go, poppifur

Poppy: Okay

*Branch and poppy walked together as the ali-human watched them, smiling sweetly*

*A few hours later*

*the trolls were on a plateau*

Poppy: uhm violet? this doesn't look like we're going the right way, the prairie is that way not this way

Violet: Oookay so we might have gotten lost so we're actually gonna go find help, we'll see you when we find help, stay here

*then they ran away to find help*

DJ Suki: Well, that happened

Ali-human: *barks*

*poppy looked over at the plateau*

Poppy: Wait...maybe I could go find help

Branch: What?! poppy, violet just told us we have to stay here, we can't risk getting captured by bandits or hunters

Poppy: But there's a town over there, I could go over there find help there

Branch: Poppy as much as I love you, there is no way you're leaving yourself alone there

Poppy: So? I'll take the ali-human with me, she can fight them off

Branch: Well yeah but...

Poppy: Please branch? *Eyes sparkle innocently while pouting*

Branch (thinking): Man why does she have to be so cute when she makes that face? I mean at least she'll have someone to keep her safe while she's away

Branch: *sighs* Okay you can go

Poppy: Okay I'll go find help as quick as I can and come right back here

*Poppy whistles to call over the ali-human and it walks over and poppy climbs onto its back*

 Branch: and Poppy...promise me you'll be careful, I don't want you getting hurt

Poppy: Don't worry branch, I'll be back before you know it

*then the ali-human ran down to the town with poppy on its back, confident that they'll find help*

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