bonus chapter #1: where they become one

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AN: hello, so, yes, this is just a chapter of kalen and hwan having soft sex so if y'all don't like reading basically-really-poorly-written-vanilla-smut by an asexual, awkward teenager who has never had sex and will probably never have so, then just skip this one and please ignore its existence anyway

where they become one

Hwan looked breathless and Kalen wanted him naked.

Kalen didn't know how one would ask their partner if they could take them to bed (or anywhere really) to get them naked and cover them with anything but innocent kisses while they showed them exactly how they sounded when they wanted someone and he was too speechless to attempt a sentence once he laid his eyes on Hwan.

He didn't know where he'd been, only that it was with Rose. He had said that Kalen could just go to his apartment and wait for him if he felt like it (the spare key was under the fake plant standing in front of the door) and Kalen hadn't thought twice before doing so; grabbing his guitar on the way out. 

But when Hwan stepped into the living room where Kalen was sitting on the couch with the instrument he had brought with him, he suddenly didn't care that much about where he'd been because Hwan was wearing a tank top.

It was a stupid black tank top (Kalen didn't even know Hwan owned a stupid black tank top, even one that hugged his neck that nicely) that was loosely tugged into a pair of black jeans but Kalen couldn't help but notice how unfairly much of Hwan's arms that was suddenly portrayed, how when Hwan bowed to put down a bag, the neck of his shirt exposed tanned skin and had those jeans always been that tight or was Kalen hallucinating—

It probably shouldn't have that effect on Kalen but he felt like a hormonal teenager.

When Hwan straightened, Kalen realized Hwan was breathing hard and that there was sweat collected on his forehead and Kalen internally sighed as he moved a little on the couch. What the actual fuck.

"Why are you sweaty?" he uttered and tried to focus on anything but Hwan's thighs in those darn jeans and arms that flexed with his hands placed on his hips and the sweat on his forehead, oh and those hands

"Rose had the idea that it would be fun to exercise together," he answered and went to grab a towel on the table in front of the couch where Kalen was sitting. "It wasn't. And I had to run in jeans, so whoever saw that probably had a good laugh."

Hwan sighed into the towel and dried his face as well as his arms as he walked into the kitchen for what Kalen assumed to be water.

Kalen sighed as well and muttered under his breath, "God, I'm so gay."



Kalen heard Hwan hum as he walked back into the room where Kalen was sitting. Kalen would move the guitar out of the way so he could sit properly with him but he was too scared Hwan would take one look at his lap and know.

Was it weird that Kalen was nervous to let Hwan know that he was thinking about him naked a lot?

It didn't seem like Hwan noticed anything as he sat down beside Kalen, lifting the guitar a little to give him space enough to sit down before moving it back in place so Kalen could continue playing if he wanted to. 

Yeah, right.

"Sorry, I probably smell terrible." Hwan chuckled a little and Kalen hated how much he loved the sound.

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