twenty one

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The first thing Greta did when she arrived home for the first time since September 1st was curl up in her bed. Though she didnt use this one nearly as much as her be at Hogwarts, this was probably the thing she missed about home the most, besides her parents of course. 

She laid there wrapped in her thick duvet, sinking into the heavenly soft mattress, day dreaming about a specific someone laying there next to her. Almost as if someone was reading her mind, she felt the matress on either side of her dip down slightly, knowing it wasnt who she really wanted it to be.

"Its a lovely room you have here but I dont seem to understand why youre finding the ceiling so interesting." Sirius joked.

"Well there is a spider." James pointed out.

"Allow me." Sirius simply pointed his wand and the spider was gone. "I love being of age."

"Three more months and the rest of us'll be joining you." Greta said.

"Maybe by then you and Remus will get together." James added casually.

"Pardon me?"

"Oh come on I know you have the hots for him."

"I really dont love hearing my brother say those words."

"I told him you have the hots for Moony." Sirius admitted.

"You saying it isnt any better."

"Youre going there Tuesday right?" James asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"You gonna make a move?" Sirius said rolling over onto his stomach.

"No of course not. That'd make things so incredibly awkward, especially if its one sided feelings."

"I think you should go for it, but dont get too into it ."

"JAMES!" Greta yelled smacking his arm. "If you dont mind, Ive had enough talking about my nonexistent love life with you guys."

"Very well, we'll be going now." Sirius said standing up, followed by James.

"I didnt mean for you to leave!"

"Well we're sick of you so.." James trailed off, flipping Greta the finger as he and Sirius left.

There she was again, alone in her room intensly staring at the ceiling. Was this what she was going to do till Tuesday? Most likely. Unless James and Sirius dragged her out of there to cure their boredom.

It had only been hours since the last time she saw Remus but really it felt like forever ago. She thought about the feeling of his arms around her waist, a place where she felt truly safe and where she could just let go of all worries. His warm embrace nearly made her knees give out every time, maybe it was because he was an excellent hugger or maybe it was the fact that Greta had been in love with him for nearly their whole time at Hogwarts.

In fourth year when Greta had finally told her dorm mates about her long lasting crush on Remus, it was then she realized that she was in love with him. Even when dating William for that brief moment in time which seemed to be life times ago looking back, she had always loved Remus, and nobody that came along that she hoped would distract her from that ever could.

Sometimes she would try to convince herself that what she wa feeling was only because he was her best friend, the person in the world she trusted the most, and told everything to. But the self persuasion always failed, as she knew deep down that what she felt for Remus was more than a friendship type of love.

She believed that he may feel the same about her, the little moments they shared from time to time was clear evidence, but what if she was just imagining things? What if he only saw her as a friend and nothing more? She couldve just been taking his kindness as something much more.

Greta wanted very few things in her life. She wanted to be a Dragonologist, her dream career since she was young. She wanted to always live close to James, not being able to imagine a day where she didnt see her brother. She wanted to be a mother of no less than two, but no more than four. And last but not least, she wanted Remus.

Often she would catch herself daydreaming about a future with him, what their life would look like two years from now, five years from now, 20 years from now. She knew that the world around them was changing, becoming more dark and dangerous, so her fantasies of a happy future with the boy she'd loved for so many years was what kept her from fearing what was to come.

There she lay alone, wishing more than anything that she was back at the trainstation wrapped around Remus. Perhaps when Tuesday rolled around she would decide to make a move, something that was long overdue. 

But she couldnt. She could mess everything up, make things awkward for their whole group. She'd never be able to look him in the eyes again. She was already extremely stressed about meeting his parents, especially since the other boys wouldnt be with her which usually makes her less nervous and look better. She still had a couple days to come up with a game plan before doing anything which gave her a slight sense of relief.

She allowed herself to stay in her little scenario dream world a little while longer, as she had nothing better to do. Though it seemed like a short period of time, the sun had set and her room became dim, her stomach growling for food. With much hesitation she finally got up from her comfortable cocoon, cracking her back before standing to head downstairs.

As soon as she opened her door, the wonderful smell from the kitchen flooded her nose, seemingly begging her to come downstairs. 

"I was just about to fetch you for dinner." Mrs Potter said, sitting down at the dining room table where Mr Potter, James, and Sirius all sat.

"Actually you were going to send me to fetch her for dinner." James corrected.

"Same difference." Mrs Potter chuckled, hitting her sons arm lightly.

"Guess it was the twin sense telling me to come downstairs." Greta joked.

All through dinner the three kids talked about their adventures at Hogwarts that year, making sure to leave out parts they were sure Mr and Mrs Potter would not necessarily approve of. Each story told reminding Greta just how much she missed Remus.

wc: 1044


sorry for the late update! i started writing at like 3pm but got busy and now here i am nearly midnight finishing it. I wanted to do the two sides of what both were feeling after the start of break so heres Gretas pov, i hope it was okay. next chapter will be remus' i think but i havent completely decided yet. the top picture is what i sort of imagine Gretas room looking like but you can picture anything you want!

 also thank you so so muc for 400 reads!!! it was just a couple days ago it hit 300 its crazy!! 

question of the day: favourite christmas food?

my answer: pumpkin pie or gravy!

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