forty six

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"It's been quite a year lads. Cheers!" Sirius held his goblet up spilling some of his pumpkin juice that he filled nearly to the brim.

"The Marauders!" The five cheered, clanking their goblets together and drinking.

The school was gathered for the farewell feast which was nearly as extravagant as the welcome feast at the start of the term. Not a single spot of the long wooden tables was visible as dishes upon dishes of food was spread across them.

Greta glanced around, taking in the room which was decked out in yellow and black as the Hufflepuffs won the house cup this year. Surely Gryffindor will snag it next year... they'll have to keep James and Sirius locked up somewhere but the fine details could he worked out later. 

Remus' hand found it's way onto her knee under the table as he nodded, agreeing with something Peter said from across the table. His thumb traced gentle circles as he spoke, Greta didn't listen but watched the way his lips formed every syllable of each word. A year ago she only ever fantasized about what it'd be like to kiss those lips and now she's memorized them like  all the spells in her charms textbook.

"Alright. love?" Remus asks turning his head towards Greta, noticing her fixated gaze as James, Peter, and Sirius break off into their own conversation, or argument rather. 

"Couldnt be better." she smiled. "Other than the fact that I'm not going to live in the same place as you the next two months."

"You know I'll be at your house everyday. Its not going to be that different."

"But I cant just walk across the tower if I want to talk to you at 2 am. Not there to chat with me and watch the sun rise on mornings when we're both up early. Not there to share my morning post with while we eat breakfast."

"We'll still be able to do that sometimes, when I stay over, and then once we graduate and get a place of our own we can do those things everyday, all year round."

"Our own place." Greta smiled.

"Whats this now?" James questioned, voice cracking slightly.

"Nothing we need to worry about right now." Remus answered quickly.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"I'll see you in a couple days right?" Greta asked, holding both of Remus' hands as the crowd of people at Kings Cross Station moved around them.

"Only two days. I dont think I can make it that long." Remus says sarcastically. "We're going on a proper date in the real world. Any suggestions on where you want to go?"

"I'm happy anywhere with you. Unless its some grimey place with a bunch of creepy men. Steer clear of those places if we can."

"Ill keep that in mind." he laughed as he pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms over her shoulders and planting a kiss on the top of her head.

"I love you." Greta mumbles into his chest.

"I love you more."

"LETS GO GRETA!" Sirius yells over the noisy crowd.

"For Merlins sake youre hardly going to be apart this summer. No need for such a long, dramatic goodbye." James adds.

"Easy for you to say. Youre boyfriend lives with us." 

"Jealousy isnt a good look on you Grets" Sirius remarks as he and James link arms. "Sorry you cant be us."

Remus and Greta both laugh.

"See you soon then." Remus says.

"Two days." Greta urges then kisses him quickly causing a groan from her brother and Sirius.

"Oh bugger off youre not children." she snarls at them.

"I think everyone would find that sight utterly repulsive." James snaps back.

"Just get going cmon." Greta says pushing the still linked pair through the sea of people like a shield, getting one last glance at Remus before he's gone.

Two days. She thinks to herself. 

And after this year, theyll never be separated again...


its been a bit! i have a lot on the go right now so i havent really been on as much as i would like. going to try and start picking away at chapters slowly so dont expect too much. i want to try and wrap this story up and kinda have an idea how but yeah.

question of the day: whats youre ideal date?

my answer: going for a drive, picking up something to eat from a smaller place, sitting by the water to eat and talk :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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