chapter 11

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I was currently waiting for Adrien, who was trying to convince his ride to walk with me.

Why do rich people.

I yawned, still watching him.
After a good minute he FINALLY came saying that it's okay now.

"Come on, we don't have all day, Agreste." I said starting to walk to my house's direction.
The walk was pretty quiet to be honest and it became terribly awkward so I decided to try and have a conversation with him.

"Is your assistant always that stubborn?" He turned to me, and thought for a moment, "Not really, Nathalie is actually very kind. She just does what my Father wants her to do."

Well at least his assistant's not a dick.
"Your dad's Gabriel Agreste, right?" I asked again, recalling the many times Marinette fawned over him.
He only nodded, not saying much to it, "Marinette used to be a big fan of his work." I chuckled out, "I know! Marinette has even won the design competition! She's so awesome!"
Oh wow, I didn't think he'd be that excited to talk about Mari.
I nodded in agreement, "Can't disagree with that, Mari's the best in every way."

We both sighed and it got silent again, it wasn't as awkward though.


You opened the door letting yourself and the model in.

"I'll get some snacks, you try and find my bedroom."

"Can I get a tip?"


And with that, you left the boy alone in your hallway while you were trying to find something to eat.

The boy walked up the stairs, ending up sighing.
There are like 3 rooms upstairs..

He went through the first door,

He opened the second door and looked around.
This seems like (Name)'s room..

"Did you tell them to get some cheese?" His Kwami suddenly spoke up, flying out of his jacket.

"I forgot you were in there.. Also, no!" The Kwami frowned at the response, "You really try to take away my happiness, huh?"
Adrien rolled his eyes, trying not to groan. "Plagg please."

"Who are you talking to?" Adrien jumped at the response and the kwami hid in his pockets again.
You barged in, a plate with some snacks on it in your hands.

"N-No one, I..I saw a video that was bugging me,..that's all..!"

what a weirdo.
You thought as you put the plate on your table.
"Alright Agreste. Let's get to work!" You said letting yourself fall on the floor,
Adrien smiled and sat down infrot of you, between you two was the empty poster.

"Are we going to talk about our own views on romantic love now?" The boy asked you taking a chip from the plate.
You nodded and answered,
"Yeah, pretty much. You can start."

"I think romantic love just bases off full of trust and understaning." He started, "When I was in a relationship, neither of us had those. So it didn't work out good for us.."

"So I think trust and understanding is one of the most important things.
But having a romantic partner is like having another half.
You never feel lonely because you know they are there somehow.
It's like, they're watching over you without even doing any-"

Adrien was interrupted by the ring bell.
"Oh, sorry, that must be my mom. I'll go get the door real quick."
You stood up and ran downstairs to open the door.

I want to meet their mom..


"Hey mom!" I greeted the woman infront of me with a hug, "Hey (Name)! I'm really hungry, did you make me any food?" Mom said nudging my shoulder.
"Sorry, I couldn't do it today. I need to work on a project with my classmate." I explained to her, wanting to go back upstairs.

"Is your classmate here right now?" She asked me curious.
"Uh..yeah, He's upstairs..waiting for me.." I said, trying to signal that I want to go.

"Alright. Then I'll cook something. Your Mother would probably love to taste my cookings again anyways." Mom said, kissing my forehead.

"Are you trying to say that I'm a bad cook?" I said, sounding offended.

"No, I'm saying that I'm just a better cook." She said smirking at me.
I snickered and went upstairs again, where the boy was patiently waiting for me.

"Hello again." I greeted him, he smiled and asked if it was indeed my Mom.

"Back to our topic. You said that a partner is watching over you without even knowing?" I asked, he thought for a moment, probably trying to recall our conversation.
"Yes! I don't think I have anything more to say though.."

"Alright.. For me, you simply can't have a romantic Relationship if you don't know the person. Falling in love with someone is like letting them into your own bubble, a bubble the person already saw and is fond of, but never felt."

He listened to me patiently, but looked like as if he wanted to interrupt me.

"Basically. Romantic love is all about knowing each other."
I finished, shrugging with my shoulders.
"What about Love at first sight?" Adrien asked right after.

Now I was the one looking weirdly at him, he doesn't actually believe in that does he?
"Love at first sight doesn't exist."
"Of course it does! There are people who just look at a person and immediately know that they're the one." He argued, sounding serious.

I shighed, this boy is living in a fairytale.

"Sorry to break it to you. Being attracted to someone does not equal falling for them."

"I'm not talking about finding their appearance attractive!"

"Adrien. Explain to me how you can love a person you don't even know the name of?
Love at first sight is being attracted to someone and trying to get to know them, there's no love."

"You don't have to know a person's name to know that you want to be with them!" He said defensively.

"Agreste, You're talking about a celebrity crush. That's not love, at least not romantic one that is."

He went quiet.

Oh god, now I feel bad..

"Look man, that's just my own opinion. Maybe Love at first sight does exist, I myself just don't believe in it." I tried, putting my hand on his shoulder.

He made a small smile and sighed. "Yeah.. Sorry for getting all defensive..", he apologized, scratching the back of his head.

"Let's write down one big opinion about romantic love now, alright?" I said, giving him a pen.

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