chapter 61

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(Name) found a ladder attached to a wall that led down from the rooftop after they finished crying, or how they would like to describe it, having their weak moment.
However as they were climbing down the ladder they felt a butterfly rest on their necklace.
The butterfly had immediately disappeared and sucked itself into the necklace as it tainted the color of the jewelry.

A voice suddenly spoke to them.
"Hello Mad Injustice."
"My name is not Mad-"
"-I am Monarch."
(Name) groaned, can this day get any worse for them? First they got their date ruined, then they even fought with Chat Noir, and now this guy??
"Monarch, please shut the fuck up."
"I grant you- what the fuck did you just say to me?"
I really don't have time for this.
"Look Monarch, I already reflected on my actions you can stop taunting me."

The voice growled deeply, sending shivers down their spine. "I can grant you power unimaginable for the human eye. Why would you refuse? You are still mad."

(Name) groaned again, even more annoyed as they found their body frozen while being in the middle of climbing down a ladder.
"Yes I'm mad. Let people be mad. Get the fuck out of my head already."

Monarch argued with the teenager but gave up after having been told to "shut the fuck up" for a couple times.
They didn't think that breaking free from Monarch's manipulation would have a bodily reaction. But it did indeed have one.
They felt themselves being pushed away from the ladder as if a tiny explosion occured.
When they fell down on their butt they couldn't feel their elbow for a couple seconds which only sent them into a worse state.
I'm gonna actually kill myself.
They thought to themselves as they finally started heading home with a bleeding elbow, two hurting legs and a pissed off mood.


After (Name) got home, they sat alone in their room, well partly alone as princess was purring on their leg, practically begging for attention. They frowned down on the cat and picked her up, putting her on their lap while stroking her soft fur.
Princess licked their hands and (Name) wanted to cry again.
"Princess, tell me why I still feel bad for him even though he left me alone on a stranger's rooftop and almost got me akumatized?"
Princess didn't answer them, of course not, she was just a cat.
(Name) sighed, staring down on the message Jake had sent them an hour after Chat Noir had taken them with him on their date.

I'm sorry for trying to get you interested in something I knew you weren't .
I hope we can stay friends though.

They didn't respond to him. They didn't know how to respond to such a message. "I hurt the feelings of two people today. Great work (Name).", they sighed to themselves as they put their phone away and pulled their sleeve up to look at the bandage of their bruise that was slowly tinting a dark shade of red.
..This is all my fault.

"Chat Noir was right anyway. I would've just gotten his hopes higher for no reason."

"I don't know actually, you were pretty direct with him."

They jumped slightly and turned to their open balcony door, quickly pulling down their sleeve again. He is SO not going to see that.
Chat Noir was standing there, a sad smile on his lips.

"You wanna talk?", (Name) shrugged but then nodded, inviting him to come inside. He came in and sat down on their bed next to them. They both sighed at the same time and glanced at each other. A small chuckle escaped Chat Noir's lips while (Name) smiled for a split second. However silence followed after that.

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