Bonus ♛ Li Xue (Final)

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A set of deep, obsidian eyes rooted Li Xue to the ground, burning her right through the soul. She couldn't breathe, or move her limbs for that matter.

He was coming. Towards her.

"Oh no. Help me, please—"

Except that when she turned back, Yu Yan had vanished into thin air. A trail of dead leaves fluttered in her wake. Li Xue didn't even hear her retreating footsteps and she was — poof — gone. Just like that.

Now, Li Xue was alone. Left with little time to decide her next move. Her feet shifted backwards instinctively and when she half-turned, her legs skidded to a stop at the group of noblemen coming from the opposite direction. Upon seeing her, they waved and called out to her excitedly.

"Your Highness, there you are! We've been searching for you!"

She grimaced, knowing that they had come to win her heart. The garden was huge and she could try to take a roundabout route, but could she outrun them with her heavy dress and short legs? Between them and the man she was infatuated with, she knew she would have to choose one of them to get rid of the other.

And she didn't even have to think twice about her decision.

"Ling Yao, help me!"

Surprise flickered across his face when she scurried behind his back. She clutched onto his clothes tightly, peeking her head out from behind his tall frame. The noblemen swarmed around them, eager to speak to her while ignoring the way she was glaring at them.

"Your Highness, why do you keep running away from us?"

"Because your faces are annoying me! Scram!"

"We apologise, Your Highness, but all you need to do is to choose one of us!"

Ling Yao shifted between them so that she was completely concealed from the man's sight. "Gentlemen, please watch your behaviour."

"You..." They observed him from head to toe, annoyed. "A Lieutenant Colonel? A mere son of an ex-general? You dare to disrespect me — the son of a minister?"

Hearing this, Li Xue's nostrils flared with anger.

Why, I ought to rip that foul mouth off that little two-eyed monster–

She was about to berate him but Ling Yao spoke before she did, his tone unaffected by their insult.

"You speak highly of yourself, but you — a minister's son — are currently disrespecting the Princess by invading her space. It is only my duty to protect her," he answered coolly. His eyes swept across the rest of the noblemen, who shrivelled under his hard glare. "And regardless of your identities, the Emperor will punish you if you touch a strand of her hair. Are you attempting to go against the royal family?"

The noblemen exchanged anxious glances; faces drained of blood. "N-no, that's not what we're trying to do—"

"If that's the case, please return to the Grand Hall. The banquet has yet to end. The Princess wants some time to herself. Alone."

Behind him, Li Xue crossed her arms haughtily. Ling Yao's intimidating presence had bought her the confidence she needed to go against the pesky noblemen and she shot them a glare that would incinerate them.

"My Lieutenant Colonel understands me well. Now, all of you – get lost!"

Their reluctance was obvious, but they did as she ordered and scattered away like frightened rats, leaving Li Xue and Ling Yao alone in the garden.

And this brought her heart back to pounding at a furious pace.

They exchanged a glance and she shifted awkwardly between her feet. "If you're looking for the lady who came by earlier," Li Xue inclined her head, "she might have returned to the Grand Hall."

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