9 ♛ Into the Palace

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- Long'Er -

She stood in the middle of the marketplace, awestruck by the advanced infrastructure and numerous shophouses that lined up the lively streets. The mass of people bustling about the place was astounding. Shop owners were shouting the prices of their products loudly, children were chasing one another down the lanes. She even stood and watched as a couple of men pulled their carts and shouted at others to move out of their way.

People brushed past her, seeming not to care if they knocked into her shoulders in the process. But she was far too engrossed in studying the structures here. Foreign, but equally fascinating.

This was the capital, the one which her mother had often mentioned. It was crowded, loud and vibrant. Having spent her whole life in the mountains, this made her feel as if she had really stepped foot into the human world. A reminder of who she was.

Just like them, she was a human too.

Yet, now that she was surrounded by so many strangers, she was starting to feel overwhelmed and a little scared. For god's sake, did she make a mistake coming to the capital?

After her godmother's persuasion, it took her a month to muster her courage and prepare her belongings for the long stay in the capital. Now, the idea of withdrawing and returning to her home was rather tempting, but should she really do that?

After all, disappointing her godmother was the last thing she wanted to do.

She continued her search for the royal palace. Locating it wasn't difficult, not when its size was magnificent; situated in the middle of the capital and surrounded by high stone walls. Palace guards were stationed at the imposing gates to maintain security, checking every single person thoroughly before granting them entry into the palace.

From here onwards, she found herself at a loss. Her nervousness made her mind blank.

What did Li Xun tell her to do?

Pulling out the wooden token which she had tucked inside her sash earlier, she walked up to one of the guards and held it out to him quietly. She watched the way his eyes scrutinised her face suspiciously, taking her appearance from head to toe, especially at the sword that she was holding by her side.

She was dressed in unfeminine clothes; a short, brown coat and trousers, with her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. A brown scarf wrapped around neck and tucked the lower half of her face. From her appearance, she was certain that anybody would think that she was a man. After all, it was uncommon for women to wield swords.

"State your business," the guard said. He took the token from her, taking a second to study it before his eyes widened in sheer disbelief. Whatever that object was, it seemed to hold more power than she thought.

"I have an appointment with Wang Li Xun," she confirmed.

The guard was startled, before he scowled at her darkly. "Insolent fool, you dare to address His Highness by his name?"


Judging from how well trained Li Xun was in fighting and the layer of armour he wore during their last encounter, she had thought that he was simply one of the high ranking generals in the palace. He told her once that he lived within the palace, but he never mentioned that he was of royal blood – a prince. He was quite possibly in line to be the next ruler of this country.

And for some reason, he wanted her to be his personal bodyguard. The full extent of that meaning finally hit her and she realised how much trouble she was in.

As a deity, her godmother should have known about this fact, but why did she not mention any of this to her?!

As she panicked, a guard grunted a response in return. "I'll give you a chance, seeing how you don't seem to be around here. But speak his name again and you will be punished with twenty strokes. Do you hear me?" he warned sternly. "Stay right here, I'll be right back with someone to usher you in."

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