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A/N Hi guys! Before we start, I just wanted to remind you to cast your vote on what the next published story will be as well as any questions you have on the characters, the place to comment can be found ta the bottom of the Beck's Big Break chapter. Below I am going to answer the questions but any more I get will also be added in future chapters, feel free to also message me or put on my profile's comment board any questions for the characters or votes for the next book you have if that is easier. Just to remind you the fandoms to choose from are: Harry Potter, Divergent, Once Upon A Time (OUAT), Dance Moms, Marvel, Timeless, and Greenhouse Academy. If Harry Potter gets the most votes, there will be another vote for what story I publish from that fandom since I have multiple. Anyway, here are the current questions:

HarleyQuinn9921's question for Emily: What's it like with Tori in the same school as you?

Emily's answer: I mean, she's my sister so I obviously love her very, very deep down and I have to admit I was genuinely excited for her to come to HA with me, even if I was never as close to her as I am with Trina, and if you ever tell that to her or Beck I will kill you and deny everything because he will big the heck out of me with that information, but then, I don't know, I guess she just kind of ruined it all for me. I did think that she would have a small level of decency for me, being my sister and all, but clearly not. I was texting Beck about this a couple days ago actually but she was just so disrespectful towards me and my relationship so I think, I just started not acknowledging she was my sister and just acted like I would to anyone who did what they did to me, and while I do think that before she did a lot of the stuff and it was only the kiss, we could have gotten over it and had a proper relationship as sisters but now I don't know if that's possible, or even if I would want that. I have Jade as a sister, I have since the day I met her and I know that she would never hurt me like Tori has and have faith in that statement. People sometimes forget I'm not just some hardcore, mean girl, I actually have feelings. So to answer your question, it's difficult. A lot different from before she came and to be honest, I wish she had stayed at her old school. Life would be a lot easier then.

HarleyQuinn9921 also had a question for Jade: What's your point of view on Beck and Emily's relationship?

Jade's answer: They are two of very few people I actually care about and I think they'll last. She's like a sister to me and while Beck is like a brother to me as well, I definitely have more loyalty to her than him so if he hurts her, I hurt him and everyone and thing he cares about. However, I don't think it'll be necessary. He calms her, makes her a bit nicer and not many people can do that, actually scratch that, only one person can do that. Him. His parents love her, which is good since there's no rift causing their relationship to become strained and her family love him, even if Trina's love for him is a bit different. She brings out a more bad side to him which is good, I think that people who keep their darker, meaner side locked away for a long time can actually get meaner than they would have been if they just done what Emily and I do, which is let it have free range no matter what. Everyone has a side like that, apart from Cat perhaps but what I'm trying to say is that they're healthy for each other and love each other, like a lot. I know they said the 'L word' I think, two days into their relationship being official. Anyone who tries to get in the way of that has me to deal with. 

So I'm gonna start the chapter now but I hope you liked the questions and a quick reminder of where you can post any character questions or story votes, there is an author's note at the bottom of Beck's Big Break, you can use my message board, or private message me. The fandoms you can vote for are above the first question and the characters you can ask questions to are here: Emily, Beck, Jade, Tori, Andre, rex, Robbie, Cat, Trina, the Vega parents (random, I know, I just thought that someone might want to ask about home life or something?), or any other character in previous or future chapters you want answers from. Anyways enjoy!

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