Chapter 3: Greek Class

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Alex Sierra's POV:

As soon as this 'Percy' guy came in, Annabeth had completely ignored me, even though I was one of her best friends. Of course, this guy had 5 classes with Annabeth, which confused me because Annabeth was a genius. I thought I was special because I was almost as smart as Annabeth, but this guy just had to be a show-off. I also wondered how they already knew each other so well. It made me angry that she had a closer friend that she never told me, I mean our friend group, about. 

After our little encounter, they left together to go to Advanced Greek. That left me alone to go to my locker and gather my books. Normally, Annabeth and I walked together, but I guess not today. Instead, I found Liam and decided to walk with him to class. When we arrived, our teacher, Mr. Andino, a short and very old man, welcomed us with a smile as usual. I hate to brag, but I was kind of his favorite student, closely followed by Annabeth and Liam. I sat in my seat which was as close to the center of the class as possible because I enjoyed being attentive in this class. I noticed that Percy was chatting with Liam and they were already getting along and laughing together. I, though, did not like Percy and didn't plan on being his friend. There was something suspicious about him, and I was going to find out what. (A/N: AmOnG uS iN rEaL lIfE, sUs SuS sUs) Annabeth sat behind Percy, diagonal to Liam. I wanted to sit next to her, but these were assigned seats.

"Attention students. Today, a new student is joining this class. Perseus Jackson, please stand up and tell the class something about yourself." He said. Ugh, of course, again with Percy. Percy stood up and said, "Hi guys! Fun fact about me: I'm half Greek and I speak Greek." Oh my god, when is he going to shut up about how talented and amazing he is??!! I can't even! He is so full of himself, and probably also a player. I have to make sure he stays away from my friends, I don't want anyone getting hurt because of him. 

"Alright class, today we will be learning about basic conversations in the Greek language. Anyone volunteer, to demonstrate a simple conversation and translate please?" Mr. Andino said. Yes! This was my chance to show Percy that I also speak Greek. Well, basic Greek, anyway. Besides, there's no way Percy is fluent or anything, right? I raised my hand, and so did Percy and Annabeth, and a few others, not including Liam. "Percy, Annabeth, you will speak. Alex, you will translate. Please come to the front of the room." We obliged. Mr. Andino signaled Annabeth to start, and I knew she would do great. I've heard her speak it before, she's practically fluent. 

Instead, though, for some reason, Percy thought he could cut in and start. "Γεια, χαίρομαι που βρίσκομαι στο σχολείο σας τώρα. Είσαι ενθουσιασμένος?" He said. I understood most of it and translated it to the class. "Hi, I'm so happy to be at your school now. Are you excited?" Annabeth responded, "Ναι είμαι. Αλλά είστε σίγουροι ότι θα περάσετε όλα τα μαθήματά σας;" Again, I translated with ease. "Yes, I am. But are you sure you're going to pass all of your classes?" When everyone heard this, they snickered and laughed. However, their conversation became weirder and weirder. Next, Percy said, "Είμαι προσβεβλημένος. Αλλά τέλος πάντων. Εστιάζω απλώς στην επιστροφή στο στρατόπεδο" A third time I voiced the sentence. "I'm offended. But whatever. I'm just focusing on getting back to camp." Camp? What camp? Then Annabeth started rapid-fire Greek mode. I could barely keep up, and I was sure Percy couldn't. She said, "Ναι κι εγώ. Ελπίζω απλώς να μην υπάρχουν τέρατα ή νέες δυνάμεις που προσπαθούν να σκοτώσουν ολόκληρο το στρατόπεδο. Θα πεθάνουν χωρίς εμάς." (A/N: It means: Yeah, me too. I just hope there haven't been any monsters or new evil forces trying to murder the entire camp. They would die without us. Also, google translate's finest LOL) I didn't understand a word, and apparently neither did Mr. Adino. Percy, though, understood perfectly and responded with a simple, "I know right?", so I translated that. Everyone was dumbfounded, but before we could question them, the bell rang. I would have to press them at lunch, I guess. 

Oh well, I headed out of the class, Liam behind me, asking about Percy and Annabeth's super abilities of course. Why was it such a big deal? Whatever. I had to go to the second period anyway. On my way out I saw the dynamic duo talking like old friends again, which made me run out as fast as possible. Second period I had History, which was only a few doors down from the Greek room. I was excited until I saw Mr. 'Perfect' Jackson headed there too. Annabeth wasn't in our class, so I took the chance to find out about him. We didn't have assigned seats, so I sat behind Percy, and tapped him on the shoulder lightly. He turned around, and said, "Hey, Alex right? Annabeth told me about you!" Annabeth mentioned me to him? Maybe I was wrong to be jealous of this guy. I'm way better. "Yeah, I'm Alex. Where are you from Percy?" I said. "New York." He replied casually as if people asked him this every day, which they probably did. Before I could press him any more, though, our teacher, Ms. Levinson, showed up. She started her lesson and I immediately started thinking about how I would find out more about Percy. I got it! I'll google him during our swim team meet later since I'm the fastest and I'll finish early anyway.

Percy Jackson's POV: 

I actually enjoyed first and the second period, though I didn't want Annabeth to go all super-Greek on everyone during class, she did anyway. It's a good thing none of the students or the teacher understood, otherwise we would have been in some serious trouble and would have to answer questions like "Why are you talking about murder?". Anyway, second period was also good but I, of course, couldn't concentrate at all. I also sort of got to know Alex Sierra, even though it felt more like he was questioning me, rather than us having a conversation, but I get it. He was curious because I just showed up, I already know Annabeth really well, and I probably seem too nice and popular, I know. Just kidding, sort of. The question is, is Alex jealous?

Probably, and hopefully, he's not. 

The rest of the day flew by, and it turns out Lily was in my period 4 and 5 classes, so we go to know each other and she's really nice. She's into architecture, so she takes the elective with Annabeth. She also, as Annabeth told me, loves to play matchmaker, so she asked if I liked anyone in the grade. I said no, obviously, because I couldn't tell her Annabeth and I are dating. Isabel Garcia is also in a few of my classes, so that's good. She's more of the quiet type, so I don't know much about her. Liam is the most like me in the group. Funny, modest, and very chill. By the time we had to leave, I actually wasn't nervous anymore. I was about to go find Annabeth to drive home, but before I could, Alex motioned for me to come over. I followed, a bit confused. "Hey, Percy!" He said it kindly enough, but there was something about it that bothered me. I noticed Liam walking over so I decided to try and keep my cool. "Hey Alex, Liam," I said, trying to sound casual. "Hey Percy, why are you still waiting out here? Isn't your car parked right there?" Liam said. Uh oh. I can't tell them Annabeth and I are living together. "Um, yeah. I was going to go, but I have to ask Annabeth something." I could tell they didn't but it as soon as I said it.

"And what might that be?" Alex sounded on edge as if he was angry about what I said. "That I need help with the Writing homework. I have dyslexia, and she's a genius. I just need some help." I said, which was very true. "Oh, there she is! Hey Annabeth!" I called her over. Now I just needed a plan to get Liam and Alex off my back. Good thing Wise Girl always had one. 

"Hey Percy, Liam, Alex. What's up, guys?" She said. "Hey, Annabeth could I talk to you alone for a second?" I asked, kind of tentative. She must have noticed the urgency in my voice, because she didn't even ask why, or answer at all. She just pulled me aside, and once we were out of earshot, she asked what was wrong. "Look, Annabeth. I need a plan, to get rid of Liam and Alex so that they don't see us walking home together. I figured you would know what to do." I said, happy it was just us now.

"You came to the right person, Seaweed Brain." She smiled and I laughed. 

A/N: Hi guys! I know I'm suuuuuppppppeeeeeerrrrrrrr late, but I hope you like this! I tried to make it longer!

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