Chapter 7: Suspicions and Questions

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Lily Laurier's POV: 

Why had Alex stopped in front of Percy's house? I thought he was going to Annabeth's for something. Was he really going to Percy's to question him as she had earlier? "Alex, why would you lie about going to Annabeth's? You could've told me where you were really going." I said, confused why he didn't just tell me. Great minds think alike. 

"Because I really was going to Annabeth's. But... If this is Percy's place, then... Annabeth lied about her house." He said it worriedly, and he seemed to be telling the truth. That's weird. "Look, maybe we should have a quick Squad meeting with Isabel and Liam before we decide anything." He said confidently like we'd have answers just by talking to each other, but I had my doubts. 

"Okay, I mean, we were going to out them at lunch anyway, so we'll talk about it tomorrow, I guess. See you!" I said unenthusiastically. I still didn't think it was going to work. Percy had already avoided my other questions, but maybe it will work. After all, Percy did have his mommy to back him up that time, and she won't be there this time. 

We'll see.

-------------------------------------------------time skip because I'm hungry----------------------------------------

Annabeth Chase's POV: 

This is bad. Really bad. First, Lily shows up and tries to question Percy, and then I see her and Alex talking outside our house, and let's just say, they didn't look happy. I'm assuming Lily had come to question Percy and on her way home, saw Alex and walked here with him, even though he was probably coming for me, not Percy. They must've figured something's up because this is my house, but they don't know it's also Percy's, and we live together. Yeah, like I said, not good. Sometimes, I hate being able to figure everyone's plans out. Thanks, mom. 

"Percy! You do realize how bad this is, right?" I said while playing with his hair mindlessly. He looked up at me, his green eyes telling me everything was going to be okay. But I knew that wasn't true somehow. 

"I know, Wise Girl. But one of us has to stay calm for the other. For once, you interrupted my thinking." He said, and I noticed panic creeping it's way onto his expression. I laughed, and so did he, but we stopped as we both came to a realization. 

"Perce... You know there's no way around this. We're going to have to tell them we live together. They'll still be suspicious, but we need to come clean." I said. He could clearly see I was panicking, I mean, I've never intended for them to find out about it so soon. 

"I know. We'll do it tomorrow, okay? And I'll be with you the whole time." He said before pressing his lips to mine. "It's going to be okay." 

--------------------------------------time skip to next day during 4th block----------------------------------------

Liam Anderson's POV: (You weren't expecting that, right?)

So, the gang called for a meeting after 4th block of the day, right before we had lunch, when we planned to interrogate Percy and Annabeth. I think we were going to make a plan or something. To be honest, though, I kind of feel bad for them. I mean, it's not like they're hiding anything huge from us, like they're dating, or something. That would be crazy. 

I also feel really bad for Alex. He's liked Annabeth forever, and if she is hiding something, he'll never ask her out. Actually, he probably will anyway. I wonder when. I just know she'll say yes. No one is closer to Annabeth than Alex, well, besides Percy, and they're just friends. (Who's going to tell him? Again, not me) I bet he'll do it right after he makes sure Percy won't get in the way, which is today. I can't wait. 


There's the bell for the end of the fourth block. I got out of my seat and made my way to the empty classroom next door. Inside, Isabel was already waiting. Looks like we're just waiting on Alex and Lily told us they found something out. Shouldn't they be here? It seemed like I sabel was thinking the same, because she said;

"Hey Liam, any idea why Alex and Lily called this 'squad meeting' as they called it? And why isn't Annabeth allowed to come to it?" I actually wasn't sure, but I had to tell her something.

"I actually don't know, but I think it might be about Annabeth. Maybe Alex is going to ask her out?" I said, unsure. I know Isabel likes romance, so she wouldn't question this. Just as she was about to say something else, Lilly walked in, deep in thought, with Alex trailing behind her. She looked nervous, but also ready to plot something. Uh oh. 

"Okay, so," She started nervously, "I went to Percy's house yesterday to try and find out more about that dare from a few days ago, but he refused to tell me anything, and had his mom escort me out. I was pretty confused, but left. Alex, continue." 

"Anyway, at the same time, I was going to Annabeth's house. I saw Lily on the way, and she offered to walk with me. So we set off for Annabeth's. But the thing is, we ended up back at Percy's house. We were both confused. Lily had seen Percy and his mom in there, and Annabeth wasn't there, so do you think Annabeth lied about where she lives?" He finished for her, leaving us confused and dumbfounded. 

"He has a good point. But we've never been to Annabeth's house, how do you know that was it?" I asked, refusing to believe Annabeth would hide something like that. I can't believe Alex would believe that. But if he saw it, he saw it. 

"I'm not going to question it, but it is weird. Weren't we planning on uncovering the dare today anyway? We'll ask about this too, okay? Now let's go to lunch, we're way late." Isabel said, and she was right. We were halfway through lunch and we should get going. 

This was going to be a very interesting lunch.

A/N: Hey guys! If you're reading this, please comment. I need to know how my writing is, and I want to hear your input, thanks! This is soooo late sorry!

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