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Once we reached the duke estate I told vera to draw me a relaxing bath because my body was aching as if I got trampled over by an elephant.

Once I was done bathing I laid on the bed playing with the ring. I wore the ring but nothing happened.

"You need you to drop your blood on the stone." Reebell said looking at the ring closely.

I took a knife and slid it across my finger. Blood started dripping and I dropped it on the ring. Once my blood touched the white stone it started shining many different colours before going back to normal.

"Once I have my mana multiplied does that mean I would be able to use my ice magic." I asked as the question suddenly came into my mind.

"Yes. But make sure that you don't amplify your mana by 50 instantly. As I said your internal organs are not used to a such huge amount of mana. Try staying at 3. Too much mana can make them explode." He warned.

Explode??? My eyes widened. I have to be very careful

Even after putting the ring on, I felt nothing different. 

"Are you sure this works?" I asked suspiciously.

"Are you doubting me? Let's go outside to try it."

We both went to the same place as before and I tried to control the magic.

"Start with some thing easy. Use the moisture in the soil and freeze it using mana turning it into spikes." Reebell instructed. 

I put my hands in front of me and concentrated on my ice magic and when I opened my eyes, there were frozen spikes emerging from the ground in front of me. They were small but sharp enough to hurt someone.

(A/N: I am going to skip learning the magic part because I got bored through it halfway. And if I got so bored you can imagine how bored you guys would yeah. Bottom line: He learned to control a small amount of ice magic.)

"Remember to not use all the mana at once because it's expendable and once you use it all it would take time to recharge."

"It can also work as a storage ring, meaning you can store stuff in this ring. Just touch the ring to it and it will suck it in. If you want to take it out just think of the thing you want and it will appear in your hand."  Reebell said before leaving saying he is too tired.

I looked up in the sky to see the sun setting and went back.

At night Vera came in with dinner and an envelope. 

"I am so glad you are getting along with your siblings. First young master Christoper and now Miss Isla. Your mother will be very proud." She was beaming with happiness.

She was so happy that I didn't want to tell her that this all might be a part of some scheme. So I just quietly ate dinner. Once I was done she took the dirty dishes back.

I opened the envelope and a formal invitation fell out along with a handwritten letter. 

I am sending you this invite, only because brother Christoper pushed me. This event has no place for a shit-bag like you so don't you even dare come. Make some excuse. Jump off a building. Sleep in ice water for the whole night.....I don't care. JUST. DON'T. COME. If you stepped a foot even around the main hall during the party I will make sure that the party will be added to your list of worst nightmares.

I was stunned seeing the letter. I cannot believe a 13-year-old wrote this. Is she okay up there? Back in my world, she would have been sent to some psychiatric care center. 

But it is true that the old Alex still would have gone. Well, I won't. I don't want to nor do I care. 

I nicely ironed the letter with the heat of my hands and kept it in my drawer. Straight. 


I rewrote more than half of this chapter so there might be comments that are not connected. Don't mind those.

Until next time. Byeeeee.


I Reincarnated As A Cannon Fodder Villain??!!!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora