NINE - i love u

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Stilinski household

"BYE SLINTHEADS!" Minho yelled as Amelia and Thomas stepped out of the car.

"See ya shuckface!" Thomas called out.

"Bye Kira," Amelia said at the same time. She grabbed her and Thomas' bags and pulled them out of the car. Thomas quickly took a few from her.

"Bye Mia," Kira responded. "Today was great, but we'll see you tomorrow. Minho's going tomorrow as well."

Amelia smiled and watched as Thomas quickly spun around and went back to the car.

"Morning run?" they asked in sync before responding with a question. "Race?"

"Boys," Amelia called out and they snapped their heads to her. "You'll race at school. Coach will want to meet you Min-Min and you can race then. Just meet at the school 10 minutes before class."

The two boys simultaneously looked at each other before nodding and smiling.

"Bye again," Amelia waved as Kira pulled out.

At the last second, Minho rolled down the window and stuck his head out before calling out to the duo. "I'm fine with have nieces, nephews, or god children or whatever the klunk you call it, but don't do it at such young ages!"

Everyone burst into laughter at the boy's words. The couple shook their heads before walking in. 

Amelia and Thomas were still laughing when they closed the door. The house was empty and they knew it since there was no car in the driveway. Amelia grabbed some scissors and began cutting the tags from the clothing while Thomas went upstairs. They had filled the bags they had with clothing from other stores, throwing out the other bags. 

Soon enough, all the clothing was tag-free and ready to be put up. Amelia looked up from her work and put all of the clothes back into a few bags. She took them upstairs and saw Thomas stepping away from his closet. 

"Hey, I'm done getting rid of the tags," she said holding out the bags.

"Perfect, you can put your clothes there and there," Thomas said gesturing to a cleared out section in his closet and a drawer in a cabinet that rested against the wall.

"Thank you," Amelia said softly. Although she knew she didn't need to say it, she felt so happy that she was staying with him. It was unspoken between from the start that the two would be staying together one way or another. "Does your dad know I'm here?"

"Nope, but I'll let him know when he get's here," Thomas said and Amelia couldn't help but laugh.

"It's funny how casual we are about this. How long have we been sharing a room?"

"Technically, there were no rooms in the Glade so we've been sharing since as long as we can remember," Thomas replied winking at Amelia. 

They quickly finished putting up the clothing before collapsing on the bed sideways. Amelia sighed and got up from laying horizontally.

"Move you shuck face," she said nudging the boy. He grunted and sat up letting Amelia lay down fully on the bed. He adjusted so that he too lay on the bed but with his head on her stomach. Amelia patted his head before running her fingers through his hair. "I love you Tom."

Thomas looked up at her, his eyes slightly wide, but starting to close from tiredness. Although they had said multiple times before, they were finally away from everyone, no pressure of leadership or responsibility. It was just them two. He shifted upward and had one knee bent, between her legs. He hugged her as she played with his hair again.

"Love you too Lia," he mumbled and curled around the person that had become the girl of his dreams.

"Love you too Lia," he mumbled and curled around the person that had become the girl of his dreams

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- AN, I wanna do cute scenes like this. They never relaxed in the maze and were so scared even though they are kids (young, same thing). Don't be shocked if I include more scenes like this-

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