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"MO-Lia! THEO!" Liam yelled but it was quickly followed by two thuds.

Amelia's head snapped over, her hair whipping in it's ponytail. Her eyes widened at the sight of two slumped bodies, people that she'd grown incredibly close to.

A growl sounded from next to her and she quickly jumped into a stance in front of the chimera, ready to run and pull him with her while also prepared to fight and distract the thing.

Her hand hovered over the gun in her waistband that was almost invisible and her other just hovering in the air, in front of her body, itching to move.

Yells sounded and she heard Coach's voice yell something about it being supernatural then and monsters now.

"Run Theo," Amelia said quickly and quietly with her lips barely moving as the modified griever moved from the woods. A part of an arm moved, seeming to reload while another whirred to life. This griever was different, not as smiley as before yet much more dangerous. It had more metal covering it meaning that attacking it head on would be foolish.

"I CAN'T LET YOU FIGHT THAT THING," Theo protested as he stood up and moved next to her.

"They can't defend themselves," she said, shoving him towards the boys while the creature finished getting ready, immediately lunging to where the girl stood. Not even a second later did a gunshot sound. Theo hadn't seen her grab it but watched as she fired her gun while simultaneously dodging the creature. "GO THEO!"

Cursing under his breath he moved to his friends: the people that convinced him to joined the pack. The ones that convinced him to go to school in their grade since he missed out so much. The people that accepted him. 

The whirring resonated, impossible for him to ignore as fighting took place. This wasn't a moment he wanted super hearing as he could here every Glader curse said by the girl when a hit was landed.

"What is that?" the true alpha's voice brought Theo's attention from trying to pick up Corey while holding Liam over his shoulder.

"Griever," the chimera said while hope filled his heart and eyes. He pushed Corey into Scott's arms quickly and adjusted the beta into a more comfortable position in his arms. "Take him. We need to get them out of here."

Not waiting, Scott quickly grabbed the male and ran, Theo struggling with himself as he heard grunts come from one of his best friends.

Quickly seeing Kira run with Thomas behind her, he waved them over as Amelia's moves began to slow.

"Take him, he was hit by the griever," he said as he gestured to the unconscious blue-eyed beta in his arms. Kira's eyes widened but she took the boy. It was hard but she channeled some of her Kitsune strength and managed.

The moment he knew the werewolf was safe, Theo turned and sprinted to the metal covered creature and slashed where he could. It made no dents and the griever whirred to turn from the panting and bloodied female to screech and snap at the supernatural male. Theo took a second to see blood trickling from a cut on Amelia's arm and some blood fall from a scratch on her cheek. His chest heaved in rage and he saw red as he did anything he could, shooting quickly resounding as the girl fired her weapon.


Thomas had heard in the link that there was a griever and ditched their run as he and Kira stopped at the Coach's office for less than 5 seconds before running to see what he hoped would be a lie.

Amelia told him quickly through the link that she'd run out of bullets and he didn't hesitate to toss her his gun. He pulled open the duffel Coach had let them keep in his office and pulled out some spears. Gripping it tightly, he watched proudly as Amelia and Theo distracted and attacked the griever together while trying to find while finding weak spots.

There didn't seem to be one and Thomas held his breath as Theo was slammed into a tree, unmoving from the base of the tree. Not waiting any longer, Thomas aimed and threw the spear, watching as it moved towards the head. The duos eyes' widened with hope but was quickly put out when the creature moved.

Stuck in the metal, Thomas got an idea and readied another spear. The creature itself hadn't changed, but only been covered with metal. Aiming, his arm moved to throw the spear when a dart appeared on his leg, it's contents immediately taking effect.

The spear left his fingers but missed it's target entirely.

"TOM," Amelia's scream reached his ears. He couldn't move. His eyes moved frantically and whirring and clashing sounded but he couldn't move.

Fighting sounded for what felt like an eternity but it wasn't long before it ended, a gasp sounding right before it did. His eyes screwed shut as he would have flinched if it weren't for whatever was in the dart. She never screamed and ending a fight with a gasp didn't help his imagination.

"Well, well, well," steps sounded as something walked towards Thomas and a foot placed itself on his shoulder and his body was pushed onto his back, eyes glaring at the man in front. "Not so powerful anymore are you Thomas?"

And it all went black.

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