Relationships and Blood

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The two slowly made their way back to the cabin, the leaves flowing with the stream along beside them. Kaede had succeeded in lifting Shuichi's mood, he now didn't feel completely at fault for what happened. Although, one thing still confused Shuichi. The kiss. He may have lived for over a century, but love and relationships were always difficult (especially when both sexes were attractive).

"I'll always be around for you Shuichi, I'm glad you're feeling better." She smiled softly at him. "We should head back now if you feel up to it?" Shuichi nodded, leading the two back towards their home. Fear embraced Shuichi, he worried that when he arrived back at the clearing someone would interrogate him. He still couldn't believe his own uncle betrayed a countless number of species including his own.

Stepping into the clearing, the two saw Gonta and Angie together by the lake surrounded by animals. Angie translated for the two species for the enjoyment of an ecstatic Gonta. Miu appeared from nowhere and pulled Kaede and Shuichi into the cabin where everyone else was eating breakfast. The succubus sat the two on small wooden stools and grinned, standing proud before them.

"So, did ya'll fuck? Going off alone, just the two of you~?" Miu kept leaning closer and closer to Kaede's face, their noses were almost touching when the girls broke out in laughter. Shuichi bowed his head from embarrassment, listening to the chuckles of those around him.

"Miu please don't be so vulgar," Kirumi begged, almost like it was the hundredth time Miu had made an inappropriate comment.

Kiibo made his way to Kirumi and rested a hand on her shoulder. "You get used to it."

"Hey wasn't Kokichi with you two?" Rantaro asked.

"He was for a second, he ran away when he saw us kiss. I watched him run in this direction." Kaede answered, ignoring the funny look from Miu. Rantaro said no more, running out the cabin to most likely search for Kokichi. Tsumugi waltzed up next to Miu and recreated her malicious grin. 

"So, are you two dating~?"

"Hopefully..." Kaede trailed off, turning to smile at Shuichi but he didn't notice, his attention was on the door Rantaro had just run through. Anxiety filled him with the thought that something horrible might've happened.

"Maki, Ryoma, come. Everyone stay inside, I'll tell you all why later." The three left behind a room of confused teenagers all chattering theories amongst themselves. Gonta and Angie entered the room, just as confused as the rest of them. 

"What's going on?" Angie questioned, only receiving shrugs in response. "Maybe something with Kokichi? That's why Rantaro left right?" 

"I'm sure he would've told us, maybe he found bandits nearby? He did ask for the only knights here right?" Kaito answered, for once he didn't say something idiotic. Kirumi suggested they all do something to distract themselves from the worry, so she started playing a 'two truths one lie' game. All but Shuichi became involved, instead, he zoned out, focusing on his thoughts. If there were bandits, why ask for only the knights? Is it because they're human and have a better chance of survival?

Maki and Ryoma entered the room. Ryoma went up to Gonta and Angie and lead them outside as Maki stared straight at Shuichi. "Come with me. No one else."

"Is everything alright?" Kaede asked, receiving a death glare. 

"Obviously not. Stay. Here." Maki grabbed Shuichi's arm and pulled him away, her grip could've pulled the boy's arm off. Shuichi stumbled into his own pace, noticing that the two were walking towards the opposite side of the clearing to the stream. A tiny path lead them to a few small tree stumps where tree branches and leaves created a roof over the small clearing. The scenery would've been breathtaking if it weren't for Rantaro kneeling on the ground with an arrow in his hand.

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