Beginning of a Love Triangle

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Water rippled around the stick as Shuichi swished it through the lake. He knelt at the lake's edge, his cloak concealing him as usual whilst Shuichi lost himself in his thoughts. "Hey you!" Someone knelt next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. Shuichi turned to the side to see Kaede smiling as per usual, but something was off about her.

"What's wrong?" Kaede sighed, looking down at the water as she leant her head on the vampire's shoulder.

"Everything's been so hectic lately. Himiko almost got burned alive, then Rantaro and Gonta are almost impaled by iron spears, then Tsumugi is saved from being crushed under a tree? That's only in the past few days."

"What's happening to us..." Shuichi mumbled, gently tossing the stick in the water and picked up a small rock to fiddle with. "Monokuma has to be hunting us, there's no other explanation. That would also explain why none of the banished is ever heard from again. I just assumed that they found another town but there isn't within months from here. Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to rant."

"It's okay, I think it's cute when you do your mumble thinking thing." Kaede beamed at him. Guilt washed through Shuichi's dead veins, realising he needed to tell her the truth before it was too late. "I also know you only do it when you're stressed, so what's wrong?" It was now her turn to worry.

"Um... well... remember when we kissed?" Shuichi stammered, unsure of how to bring up the issue.

"Right! About that, are we dating now?" She interrupted, smiling as if she were staring at an angel. Shuichi opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted again, this time by a battle cry. Bandits rushed into the clearing, their weapons drawn as they attacked the supernatural beings that were simply minding their business. "It's okay, I already know the answer." Kaede winked before jumping up, snapping a bandits neck that attempted to sneak up on them.

Shuichi watched the murderous witch with another surge of guilt, this time feeling it in his stomach. A bandit swung a dagger next to the vampires head, snapping him out of his trance. Focusing on the issue at hand, Shuichi grabbed the bandit's arm, crushing the bones to dust under his grip. Whilst his attacker cried out in pain, Shuichi dug his fangs into their neck and ripped out a carotid artery. Throwing the bandit to the ground, Shuichi left them to die from blood loss or lack of oxygen in the brain, whichever came first.

Running to help his friends, Shuichi killed bandit after bandit, stopping for no one until each attacker was dead on the ground. It didn't take long, as with the countless bandit attacks over their banishment each person had improved their fighting skills. A loud whistle sounded from Kiibo nearby who, due to being a robot, could easily make the noise to call everyone to a singular area.

Shuichi dragged himself towards his robot friend, meeting with the remaining group. "Is everyone okay?" Everyone agreed as Shuichi did a headcount, ensuring that no one was missing. 

"Why can't we have one peaceful day?" Tsumugi complained.

"Because it brings us all together as friends!" Angie sang, her hands clasped together in a prayer motion. The two girls shared a loving embrace, one that seemed closer than just a friendly hug but Shuichi didn't question it.

"Okay, let's take care of the bodies then." They all went to grab a corpse and throw it in a large pit Rantaro created, acting as a cesspool of bodies. It was easier to have the pit as it meant no one had to look at the bodies or find somewhere else to dump them. Rantaro also approved as blood acted as a good fertiliser, so he often created new pits around dying flora. 

Once they all took care of the bodies, Shuichi noticed a purple-haired phantom approaching. I'm glad he doesn't hate me... we haven't talked since our kiss... Shuichi stepped towards Kokichi but felt himself pulled back. "I'm so glad you're okay, come on let's go back to the lake!" 

"U-uh but I was going to-"

"It's okay, the bandits are dead you don't need to search for more!"

"That's not what-"

"I'll show you a spell with the water!" Kaede linked her elbow with Shuichi's pulling the boy away towards the lake where they were minutes prior. Shuichi glanced behind him to see Kokichi had stopped in his tracks, gazing after the two with jealous adoration. I'm so sorry Kokichi.

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