Chapter 10

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Alexa had gotten everyone to stand around the kitchen table to explain the plan. She had sent a message back to the people that told her to get to Floor 31. No one knew who these people were but everyone had the slightest piece of hope that they'd survive the apocalypse.

"And we should be meeting them on the roof, Floor 31." Alexa finished explaining.

"What if they aren't there?" Dream asked. "What then?"

"They'll be there. Everyone, start packing, we're leaving tomorrow."

Everyone headed their own directions to pack as much as they can. All the food and water possible, every single weapon they had and all their belongings. They were getting out of here. They were going to safety. They were going to survive.

"Dream, I just found a ton of rope. Should I bring it?" Alex asked.

"I mean, we might need it."

Alex gave Dream a thumbs up before shoving the rope into his bag. Kai was watching them both very carefully. He wasn't the type to get jealous or anything but he found it strange to see Alex and Dream talking very casually and friendly with each other. They weren't like this before they went on the mission.

Kai knew that he was starting to catch feelings for Dream. He knew that she was 2 years younger than him, he knew that they had only met a few days ago. But he also knew that Dream trusted and cared for him. He wanted Dream to be happy because that's what she deserved. She had the worst childhood ever and Kai wasn't going to let any of that repeat.

He found her beautiful. The way she laughed and smiled every once in a while, was his serotonin boost. He felt at peace if Dream was happy and having fun. Dream always licked and bit her lips whenever she was bored or nervous. Kai loved it whenever she started fighting, she had this fierceness in her eyes. She had this confidence and power whenever she fought. Every move she made was so precise and perfect, Dream made no mistakes in a fight.

Kai had never felt anything like this before. He wasn't someone to date girls, or catch feelings this fast but he knew. He knew he would do anything to protect this girl who never had anyone. Kai wanted to be the very first person in her life so care about her and never let go. Dream couldn't afford for her heart to be broken again, so Kai wasn't going to let anyone lay a finger on her.

"Dream." Kai said. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure." Dream replied without a clue of what he was going to say.

Kai slowly went to hold Dream's hand. Dream was slightly shocked when she felt Kai's fingers touch her hand, no one had ever held her hand like that. Kai led into a bedroom. He wanted to confess to her.

"Dream..." the way Kai said her name was as smooth as butter, "I like you."

Dream thought her heart was going to explode. She was scared that Kai would hear her heart pounding inside her chest. She couldn't control herself anymore. She liked Kai, she thought he was nice and caring. He was the only person that looked out for her in this harsh world. There wasn't a time when Dream hated Kai. She had never felt so scared that someone would leave her. She had never felt so scared when Kai down the stairway and hurt his wrist. She had never gotten so angry at someone for hurting someone else. Not until she met Kai.

She didn't want to admit to it. She didn't want to love knowing Kai would leave her so soon. As much as she liked Kai, as much as she cared for Kai. A part of her didn't want to love. A part of her wanted to reject him, to protect herself. To protect her heart from being broken again. Maybe she did have a fear after all. Maybe her fear was loving someone that could never be with her. Her whole life, she had built a wall around her heart, shielding her from any relationships with anyone. Suddenly, this wall was crumbling to pieces.

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