Chapter 12

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Everything was wrong. No one was talking to each other. No one made even a squeak of noise. It was dead silent. Zayd's corpse lay still on the roof, pools of blood surrounding it. Dream was the most affected by Zayd's death, she was the one that had to shoot him in the head. Everyone was mourning.

"Well... what do you we do now?" Clara asked.

"I don't know." Kai replied. "There's nothing to do. There's nowhere to go. Zombies will break open that door any moment. We can't go anywhere."

Everyone was stuck on ideas to get out of this situation. It's not like there was anything to do. There was no way out of this.

"How much rope do you have, Alex?" Dream asked.

"Don't know, why?"

"Well, we have 2 options here. Well... sort of 2 options. Option 1 is to climb down the hotel with the rope, don't know what's going to happen once we get down but... yeah. The second option is to try and fly the helicopter."

"Did you say the helicopter?" Clara asked, surprised.


"How are we supposed to fly a helicopter?"

"I have no idea. I mean I can drive and all but helicopters seem more complicated."

"Where would we land? There's nowhere to go." Alexa said.

Dream scanned her surroundings, analysing the landscape. Searching for any possible bases. Hoping for any possible bases.

"Over there." She pointed. "That's an airport, you can see the end of a plane right there. Maybe we could stay there."

"We could, but it isn't like we can fly a helicopter anyway."

Suddenly, there was a crashing sound behind them. The door that led to the staircase was dented. The zombies would pile through any moment now. The crashing sound continued to get louder and louder.

"I can do it." Alex said.

"What do you mean?"

"I can fly the helicopter."

"No, you can't, Alex." His twin protested. "It's too dangerous."

Alex held his twin's hands tightly. "I can do it, Alexa. Trust me on this one." Turning to everyone else. "Everyone, get in the helicopter."

"Are you sure, Alex?" Kai asked.

"Stop wasting time. There's no other option. We can't climb down the hotel, we don't have enough time to set up the rope. I'm rather try to fly that helicopter and die than stand here and die."

Everyone could see the determination Alex had which is why no one said another word of disagreement. They all piled into helicopter with Alex as the pilot and Alexa as the co-pilot. Dream was in charge of protecting Clara and Kai, who were the most vulnerable at this moment.

Flying a helicopter was already dangerous. But flying a helicopter in the middle of an apocalypse with unknown flying creatures was terrifying. But what option did they have? They all knew how impossible surviving an apocalypse was. With one man down, the fight was getting harder by the second.

Alex flew the helicopter with uncertainty. It would wobble and lean in a direction uncontrollably but slowly, they were getting to the new base. The plane.

"Alex! Watch out!" Alexa screamed as she saw something shoot across her eyes.

"Everyone, watch out for the flying creatures. They could kill you within seconds."

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