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"I look like an whore." I cried out, looking at the tight cheerleading outfit I had on. Now I'm not even wearing this by choice, I was forced to wear it.

Today is a fundraiser for these kids without families or homes. The university is hosting it which means the students have to pitch in, the football team is the main source of everything so I was forced to help.

"You been looked like one, this is nothing new," Lydia called out, from the other side of the locker room.

"Haha very funny, bitch." I mutter out, she placed her hands on my shoulders. "Be nice, okay plus everyone is pitching in. If I'm not mistaken I think other teams are gonna be here."

I would not be in this mess if it wasn't for Lydia and her new friends. Since Lydia and I haven't exactly been always together, she got new friends I'm not upset. I just don't like them.

And I have an urge that they don't like me either, but do I care. Nope.

"Yeah be nice ivory, you look great," Layla says, she stood next to another girl named Miley. The new friends.

I forced a smile on my lips. "Thanks."

I tighten my ponytail, grabbing my phone. We walked out of the locker room out into the field where everyone was.

"What the hell do we even have to do?" I asked, standing next to a table full of food.

"We have to raise money," Lydia says, okay do they want me to shake my ass or sum. "So sell cupcakes."

"Why couldn't I just mail in a check or something?" I looked around the field. The other teams from different schools start to come in.

I didn't see those idiots yet, they told me they would be here.

"Ivory, that wouldn't be fun. Now help." Lydia gesture to the box of cupcakes and brownies.

I help place them on the table in a nice order. The sun already had set, and the field lightning shine over the fields. The whole field was filled with people, It was nice.

We sell a good amount of sweets and made a whole lot of money. I take the money from a lady putting it into the box full of money, giving her the treats.

"I can take over," Miley says, I nod walking away from the stand. I need to look for the boys.

I haven't really seen Giovanni since, After my birthday, hell it was a hell of a birthday that I would never forget. I didn't even know I could feel that way, god everything was so perfect. I was still feeling my orgasm the next day.

I see Giovanni and the rest of the boys in a crowd, other football players and cheerleaders surround them.

I walked over to them pushing my way through the crowd.

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