26. sorrows.

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I crossed my legs under the table, Looking at the menu. The silence filled the air as my father scratch the back of his neck.

"Whatever you want to say father, just say it." I looked up from my menu. My father and I daily lunch dates started to cut short and turn into once-on-a-while lunches, so I was surprised when he showed up at my front door asking me to lunch.

I felt my cheeks heat up just thinking about how Giovanni was going down on me, he had to stay in my bathroom until we left. Of course, I'm not afraid of my father finds out, but I will like to save the awkwardness for another time.

"What are you talking about." He replied, I could see the sweat dripping from his forehead as he took a sip of his water.

"Dad." I placed the menu down. Giving him a stern look, which he only returned.
"Can I father just have lunch with his loving daughter?"

"You can, it's just I can tell when you're keeping something from me. And you are." I reply shortly.

We haven't talked since my birthday which was weeks ago, and besides the strong warning telling me not to talk to my mother. He's been distant I understand he has a girlfriend but, when you suddenly pop up and invite me to lunch I have the right to be curious.

"Okay, it's about your mother." I sighed deeply, leaning back into my chair.

"What about the bitch." I cocked an eyebrow.

"Watch your mouth." He warns sternly. His tone becoming full of authority in just a second. I dropped my head.

His tone still can make me hide in a corner. Growing up we had simple rules, each rule was different for each of us. But we all had the same rule at the end of the day.

Never disrespect my father. Whatever he says always goes, he rarely uses that kind of tone with us. But when he does it makes me feel like a puppy getting scolded.

"I'm sorry."

"Now your mother...I want you to see her." I look up at him in disbelief, as I process his words.

"I'm sorry if I'm not mistaken wasn't it you who told me to stay away from her?" I asked. He picked up his glass calmly taking a sip as if this conversation wasn't affecting him.

"I know what I said but, I talked with her and I think it's time for you to put your pride aside and talk with her." My father says I didn't miss the small look in his eyes. Sadness.


Oh my god! I just told my father no, okay I'm gonna end up broke and can't even pay for a meal because he will cut me off.

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