_-·_- V- _·-_

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I am sorry...

I tried to play as a hero. Hoping to save you from the shackles of your twisted fate by taking the heroic approach and what did that lead to...

A small limp hand was held tightly within the hands of a man.

I couldn't save you by being a hero.

Sparks began to fly and energy flowed between the two bodies. Light danced around the room, illuminating it in rays of blue and red electricity.

Let me have a second chance. Let me save you by being the villain...

The sparks grew more intense. The energy growing more and more. The hand was held tighter by the man.

I'll play the villain so that you can forever be the hero in not only my eyes but those of others as well.

The light in the room faded away and the once enchanting room grew cold once again. Gone were the sparks, energy, light. Gone were the people in the middle of the room.

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