twenty-four | flights and changes

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Gabriella Hart

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Gabriella Hart

I held on to him as tight as I could. I didn't ever want to think about letting him go.

"Let's get you home," Caleb said to me before kissing the top of my head as he pulled me with him out of the cafe, leaving some money on the table for the trouble that had been caused in those few short minutes.

We walked out into the brisk wind that whipped my hair in front of my eyes.

He had one arm around me as we climbed inside a taxi he must've come here in. "Airport please," he said to the driver as we sat down and he held me in his arms again.

This was the first time in a while that he had genuinely held me and had shown real compassion towards me. I was glad he came here, otherwise I would've had to be on the plane back home, completely alone and still terrified about the last words my father had said to me.

Part of me regretted what I had said to him, because I knew I had only made the situation in our family a lot worse. But then I knew that inviting him back with open arms would be a mistake. He wasn't stable enough to be a father figure to Kylie and I.

"Thank you for coming," I whispered, hoping he had heard me as my face was on his chest and his arm was around me. No matter how uncomfortable it looked, it was the comfiest and safest I had felt in a long time.

He replied by squeezing my arm lightly and kissing the top of my head again, sending butterflies through my stomach.

The car journey was short, but it felt longer being next to him. I couldn't help but think that Caleb was either changing or that he actually liked me a lot more than he had ever let on before.

"The gate closes in twenty minutes, come on," Caleb snapped me out of my day dream as he paid for the taxi and sprinted to the airport doors with my hand intertwined with his and two bags of luggage in his other hand.

I felt extremely bad as he dragged me along at a running pace I was unable to keep up with.

We rushed through security, pulling off the necessary items and throwing them into trays before placing them back on again on the other side. "Ten minutes," he shouted back to me as I tied my shoe laces and grabbed onto my bag.

I ran after him, giving up breaths every time I stepped. This just signalled to me that I needed to get fitter. I couldn't even run ten metres without being completely out of breath. God didn't give me the natural gene of exercise, as you could probably have guessed.

"Gate four to LAX will be closing shortly," the woman on the intercom spoke to everyone as we rushed towards her.

The next plane wasn't for a few hours so we really needed to get back. "I told them we were staying at a friends but they should expect us home later tonight so we need to get this plane," Caleb shouted back to me, holding my hand again as we sprinted towards the gate.

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