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She so different, she so different...

Dani POV - Next Day

"Come on," Demi dragged, tugging me towards the door by my arm.

"But I don't want to go," I whined.

Demi is trying to get me to go to Joshua's house with her because he asked her to slide by so they could "hang." I know what that means.

I know Jordan is going to be there and Dayvon probably is going to be too since him and Jordan are good friends.

I don't need to embarrass myself or for anyone else to embarrass me.

"Yes. We already agreed to this. Your going," she yelled. She pushed me out the door and I pushed her back.

"I know your confidence isn't where it should be, but that doesn't mean you should let it get in the way of you getting Jordan."

I rolled my eyes and tried to go back in the house but she stopped me.

"Just go for me," she smiled, "You don't even have to talk to anybody."

I squinted my eyes at her and let out a sigh before I got in the car.

"I love you," she cheesed. I ignored her and pulled out of the driveway.


"Ok look, you don't have to do anything or interact with anybody. Just try to make your presence known," Demi lectured, as I pulled into their driveway.

"Demi, please don't say another word to me."

We got out the car and I immediately put my airpods in.

"Take those out," Demi grumbled, knocking on the door.

She tried to grab them but I mushed her hand away when Jordan answered the door.

"Wassup," he greeted.

"Hey," she waved. I gave him a simple wave as he let us in the house.

He showed us to the living room where Dayvon and Missharon were sitting.

Hate my life...

"Aye, Josh! Your bitch here," Jordan called up the stairs.

Demi sat down on the couch next to Missharon, completely ignoring him call her a bitch.

"Why she here?" Von asked Jordan, pointing to me.

I sat down in the chair and turned my music all the way up, tuning everybody out.

Joshua came down the stairs and gave Demi a hug. He looked over at me and said something but I couldn't hear him.

For about 30 minutes they all ignored my presence and joked around. I was so bored that I ended up falling asleep in the chair.


I opened my eyes, seeing I was in the living room all by myself now.

Right when I was about to get up and go look for everybody, a shirtless Jordan walked into the room.

That's a nice sight...

"Oh, you up. Your sister went somewhere with my brother. They should be back soon though."

I nodded my head and he sat down across from me.

"Why the hell you so quiet?" he asked.

Is he trying to have a conversation with me?

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