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Everybody dies but not everybody lives...

Dani POV - 2 months later

"What do you need Samaria?" I asked through the phone.

It's been two months since I've seen Von and life has been ... okay.

Samaria and I got closer since that day at Von's and she's a really good person to talk to. Until she starts ranting about her relationship problems.

"You won't believe how bad Toosii just pissed me off," she whined, as Marcus texted me.

Marcus is this guy that I met at the grocery store. He works there and I go to the store a lot so we kind of clicked after seeing each other all the time.

He tried to squeeze his way into a relationship but I got him in the friend zone right now.

"Sam I really don't feel like listening to you talk bad about him."

"Okay, okay. I called so we can go out tonight," she smirked.

"Does it look like I'm going out?"

"Girl, you never go anywhere. It's not a party, I just wanted to go get a few drinks," she explained.

"I'm not going."

"Please, your my only friend and I haven't stepped out in a long time," she begged.

"I'll think about it."

Maybe I should go. I haven't really enjoyed myself in a while.

"Alright, I'll be over to get you in 2 hours, be ready," she smiled before she hung up.

I shook my head when Demi came into my room.

She's three months pregnant and she has a small baby bump.

Don't ask me why the baby is still in her stomach. I don't know. It was her decision, not mine.

"I am exhausted," she yawned.

"So take a nap," I replied getting up.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"Samaria wants me to go out with her. Maybe I could use a little fun."

"Well if your going out, then you should wear this," she said, grabbing a long white dress.

"Nope. I'll stick to my jeans and t shirt."

"Well at least wear some leggings. Hug those curves a little bit," she said, grabbing some black leggings.

I put those on with a graphic t shirt and my Oreo 4's.

"I wish I could go out. I haven't smoked in so long," she sighed.


"You smoke? I hope you mean Smarties."

"No, I smoke weed," she shrugged.

"Since when?"

"Before I got pregnant."

"And you don't see a problem with that?"

"Not really. It's not like cigarettes or anything," she shrugged.

I sighed and shook my head.

I know I'm only her sister, but I feel like I'm supposed to be her mom since ours is gone. And I'm not doing a good job.

"I worry about you a lot."

"I know you do, but I'll be fine. Now get finished getting ready so you can go have fun," she smiled.

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