Chapter 1

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I can remember it, when I could talk; But that was a long time ago. My mother, well I can't remember her face. And my dad? Who knows? They died a long time ago, when I was three. When my parents went on that mission. They never returned.

I don't care anyways. I'm fine with always being alone. You know, I can't talk, so I've never had friends. I understand what they are saying, I learned to speak. I just lost the ability to. I wonder what it would be like, I wonder what my voice sounds like.

Oh well. "Mai. Your turn. Please preform the transformation jutsu." Sensei said. I nodded. I did a few hand signs, and within seconds of me responding, I transformed. I stared at him. "Okay, you pass..." He said. I guess my gaze is creepy, but I can't speak so...

I sat down and soon everyone was done with the pop quiz. The only one who failed was... Naruto. He always does that. Soon class was almost over and I got my things ready to leave. "Mai Sasayaku. Please see me after class." Everyone looked at me, and I heard some whispers. The bell rang and everyone flooded out the room. I walked over to Iruka-sensei. "Mai. You have a meeting with the Hokage today. Go home and put on your ninja gear." He said. I nodded and he said, "And maybe you should learn to speak."

I walked away. I wonder if that was supposed to mean. I don't know. "Hey freak!" Someone yelled. I held up my hand and waved. "Why didn't she get mad?" Someone else whispered. I guess they don't know I have sensitive ears.

I stopped at my apartment and looked to the right. Naruto was standing outside his door. I walked over and waited for his response. It didn't come, only a stare that lasted a minute. I gathered chakra in my finger and wrote on the wall where the chakra stayed until I made it vanish. I wrote, 'What's wrong? Why are you standing outside of your apartment?' "I left my key inside, but I don't have any money to replace something if I break in." He said.

I pushed him out of the way and did some hand signs. I heard a click and opened the door. "Thanks. Wanna teach me that?" He asked. I shock my head. Who knows what he would do with that jutsu. "Aww..." I walked away. "Wait. Mai, wanna eat some ramen with me?" He asked. I began to write with chakra again, 'I have a meeting with the Hokage. Sorry, but maybe later.' He sighed. "Okay. Why do you have to go to the Hokage?" I shrugged my shoulders, and he understood that I didn't know.

I walked inside and took off my current kimono. It was the traditional kind that restricted your movement. I took out my other one that was made of stretchy material like spandex. There were two layers. The first had long square sleeves that were about a foot long. The kimono stopped a little lower that the middle of my thigh. Then I put on the top layer which had no sleeves, but instead had straps. The bottom of the top layer split into two pieces that ended at mid-calf. I put on my obi belt and ninja sandals. My long curly brown hair was currently down, but I put it up in a bun, leaving out my bangs. Grabbing my bandages, I wrapped the bottom half of my face to where now only my eyes were showing.

I tucked a scroll into my obi and headed out the door, and I heard a click as it locked. As I walked down the street in this attire, many people looked at me. I've never worn this before, maybe it looks weird.

Knock. Knock. "Come in." I heard him call. Inside there were four shinobi. Why am I needed here?

(5 Minutes Earlier)

"Hokage-sama? You called?" Might Guy asked. "Yes. I have come to the decision to add another member to your team." The Hokage replied. "Really. Who might this be?" Knock. Knock.

(Mai's Pov.)

"Ah. Here she is." Hokage said. I nodded. "This is Sasayaku Mai. She is a student at the academy." "How can a student from the academy join our team?" A boy with bushy brows and a green jumpsuit said. "I was just about to get to that." The Hokage said. "She is about to take the test now." I looked around and came up to his desk. Once there, he handed me a pen and paper. "What is it you want to tell me?" He asked.

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