Chapter 3

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Yes, he was beautiful. His eyes, were the perfect shade of sea foam green. And I just couldn't help but stare into them, and after a minute, is when he caught me.

His stare was piercing, and filled with hate, but those eyes, were still just as beautiful. What do you call this emotion I'm feeling? I don't know, but it's wonderful.

I waved at him, and tried to walk closer to him, but a barrier of sand stood in my way. "Stay away." He said, and started to distance himself from me. He was leaving, was walking away. "Wait!" I yelled, and then I gasped. I finally was able to say something for the first time in years.

He turned around and looked at me, "What?" He asked. "Ca-can I b-be yo-ur fr-frie-nd?" I asked, but it came out chopped up, and I stuttered. How is it that I can speak to him, but no one else? "What...?"

He seemed confused. I don't know why he would be, unless... he's like me? I didn't have any friends until a few days ago, when I was put on a team, well, I think they are my friends. Maybe he has trouble making friends.

"I want to be your friend." I said, and he then started to walk away, but I followed him. We went down many streets, and most people avoided us, and some people were scared. They fear him, thats why he doesn't understand why I want to be his friend. There's nothing scary about him. I mean sure, he is strong and control the sand at will, but there are ninja that are stronger than him. He's not that scary.

Soon, we were somewhere, that no one else was at, and it was outside the city. "Why are you following me?" He asked. "Because, I want to." I said, and he replied, "Your not afraid of me?" "No, your the first person I've talked to in years. I wouldn't be able to talk to someone I was afraid of, after being mute for so long." I said, smiling.

And soon we passed by Neji, TenTen, and Lee. We had walked back into the city, and they were there. "Mai? What are you doing?" One of them said, "I made a friend, but it seems he left when you saw me." I said.

TenTen gasped. "YOU SPOKE!" "Yeah, somehow it just happened... Me regaining my speech." I said.

Yes, I did regain the ability to speak, but I could only speak in a whisper, a mummer most of the time. I guess that's why our last name is 'Sasayaku'.

I wonder when I can see him again, because he didn't accept me as his friend this time, but next time... that's when it will happen. Our friendship will bloom. I just have to wait.

"Mai?" Someone asked. "Yes?" "We were coming to get you. We're about to eat." She said. "Okay."

When I entered back inside our room, I noticed that there was a whole bunch of stuff sitting in the corner. "I went a gathered supplies earlier." Neji explained. Among the food, and weapons, there was what appeared to be a kitten. "There's a cat." I said.

Every one looked at it, and then at Neji. "Don't look at me, I didn't bring it here." He said. "Hey, I want the cat." I said. They looked at me, and then I said, "Come ere kitty, kitty." And it came.

Upon further inspection, I noticed that the kitten was a female, and that both eyes were not the same color. One was red, and the other was blue. Sometimes the blue would turn to green, and the red would turn to purple. Sometimes the eyes were the same color, but the eyes mostly stayed red and blue. Her fur was white, but she wore black socks and it was black around her mouth as well. Kawaii.

"How will you take the cat to Konoha?" Neji asked. "Once I get back I will summon her." I said. They seemed to be pleased with the answer, and left me alone with the cat.

"Hello Maiko." The kitty then said. "You know my name?" I asked. No one knows that Mai is just an abbreviation, only my parents knew, because they always called me Mai. "Yes. Of course. After all, I have always been with you." She said. "How..."

"I was one with you, until you could speak. At that moment, I was separated from you and I ran back here, waiting for you to return. What Rei was speaking of, I know the whole truth. All of the strong Sasayaku members all had something within them from birth; a spirit animal. I am yours and I have been with you, watching over you. If you die, I die. If you break your arm, so does mine. If I die, you will lose all your chakra. If I break a bone, you will feel the pain, but nothing else. I have decided - to tell you what is so special about you. It is time, fore it tradition, that once you speak, we shall speak."

"Mai! Are you coming? We made dinner and are currently waiting for you!" TenTen yelled. "Yes!" I said as loud as I could, but it wasn't loud enough. "You can tell me later, but I need to eat now." I said, and MyoMyu meowed and nodded her head. Yes, that is her new name, MyoMyu.

I walked in the other room, and l sat down. The food was warm, and I could see the steam. It was potatoes, but it wasn't that simple. On top of butter, and bacon, there were chopped onions, chicken, and (Insert Name Here) sauce.

"Who made this?" I asked. It was really amazing, and seemed like a personal recipe. "I did!" Lee said. Wait, Lee can cook?!?!

MyoMyu jumped up on the table and started eating my food, weirdly, it felt like I was eating it too, as if I were getting fuller at the moment. "Your cat is eating your food." Neji said. "Yup, MyoMyu can have some too. MyoMyu, save me half." I said. She meowed and continued to eat.

After she was done eating half, I knew for sure that everything about us was connected. I don't have to feed her, because I just have to eat. I won't need to eat as long as MyoMyu does. It's a good system, or at least I think so.

I began to eat my half, and so far we had ate in silence. "Why did you feed... MyoMyu... your dinner?" Someone asked, "Because I'm not that hungry and she is."

Soon, I was finished and walked over to my futon and sat down. The others did the same. I laid down and got under the covers, feeling MyoMyu crawl up beside me, laying next to my head. "Goodnight." I said, and she meowed in response.

I see him. It's the boy with the seafoam eyes... and he's smiling at me, and it feels so nice. The boy grabbed my hand and whispered something that I couldn't hear.

I tried and tried, but I just couldn't make out the words. And then I understood what he said, "I'm a monster, stay away." It made no sense. Theres no way he's a monster, unless there is something sealed inside of him. But that's not right, is it?

And then I woke up, looking into MyoMyu's eyes. She sat on my chest and stared at me, and meowed, "Follow me."

Outside, in a field that is mostly used when little kids play sports, MyoMyu and I began to speak. "What is it MyoMyu?" I asked. "I never told you what is special about you." She replied. "Okay. Go ahead." I said.

And she did, saying,"You see, the most common trait that our clan has, that is special, you've already noticed. We take this to our advantage during missions. Food. When you leave, I will eat, so incase you need food. If you are in a desert, I can hydrate myself, and therefore, you won't need water. If you are cold, I can sit next to a fire place, and you will be warm. If you are hot, I can go sit next to a fan. This is because we feel everything the other does, and I will help you survive by doing this."

"There are also other traits, that vary from person to person. Not only do you have the potential of the Byakugan, you also seem to be able to sense things about others, that can't normally be found out without being told. I know you had a dream, and that dream, is true. You probably already know his name as well, but you just haven't noticed it."

She was right. I had a feeling, that I knew his name. The word, Gaara, kept popping into my head. I thought that it was just a coincidence, but it turns out, it's not.

"But then... that means he really is a monster." I said. "A monster, what?" MyoMyu. "I had a dream... And he told me to stay away, saying he was a monster."

"He must be the jinkuriki here. The shukaku."

I can't believe it. Gaara is a Jinkuriki.

(Sorry this chapter is short and I didn't go back and edit it. Comment if I made a mistake so I can fix it. Thanks -Alluka)

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