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We have been flying for a few minutes now. Caius and Felix started a game of chess. I have no clue who is winning. I do not know anything about chess. Marcus has a book in his lap, Aro Also has a book in his lap. I've been looking out the window since we have gotten up in the air. The sight of the clouds and the blue sky calms me. 

My head is on the side, by the window. The vibrations of the engines that are on both sides of the plane made my eyes get heavier and heavier. It got to the point that I closed my eyes, only to fall asleep, knowing that I am safe......even though I'm in a plane full of vampires. 

*Marcus' View*

"Checkmate," Felix said as I turned the page to the book that I am reading. I looked over to see Caius not looking that happy. "Again," he said before starting to set up another game. I was about to go back to reading, but the sound of my mate's heart beating slower made me look over at her, worried that something had happened to her without me knowing. I looked at her only to see her fast asleep. 

Her head on the wall by the window. Both arms are wrapped around her body. I looked behind me at Aro. "Aro, do we have any blankets onboard?" I asked making him look up from his book. 

He looked at me before his eyes landed on our sleeping mate. He put his book down on the table in front of him before he got up from the chair. He walked out of view before walking back with a blanket in his hands. He walked over to our mate. He carefully laid it on our mate. He backed up and looked at me. 

"So, how shall we talk her dad into letting her move in with us?" He asked before looking back at our mate. "Not sure," I said as I looked back at her. "Why not just tell him that we want to give his daughter a scholarship to one of the best schools in Volterra?" Caius asked making Aro and I look at him. 

"The three of us could tell him that we are deans of the school. We can tell him that Bella and the Cullens left her at the school and that is where we met her. We can tell him that we got to talking and found out how amazing she is." Caius said as he made another move. "That is a smart idea," Aro said. He looked back at our mate. A small smile spread across his face."When she wakes up we can fill her in........"Aro added before he walked back to his chair. I looked at Amber before I looking back down at the book that is in my lap. 

*Amber's View*

I slowly opened my eyes to see that it is completely dark outside of the plane. The sun is no longer up. Instead, the moon is out along with all the stars. I moved a little to see that I have a blanket that is trapped over my body. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. Once my eyes were all the way open, I looked at Marcus to see that he is still reading the same book. The same one that he was reading....the one before I fell asleep. 

"Hey, il Mio Amore (my love). Did you sleep well?" Aro asked making me look in the direction that his voice came from. He is standing just behind me. He smiled before he moved so he was in front of me. "Yeah, I slept amazing....thanks for asking," I said before smiling at him. He smiled back at me. "Would you like anything to eat or drink?"Aro asked me. "Can I have some water?" I asked him. "Of course, my love," Aro said. He smiled at me before he walked behind me. 

I moved the blanket so it was just on my lap. I then rubbed my eyes. "Still tired love?" Marcus asked me. I looked at him with tired eyes before nodding my head. He gave me a small smile before returning to his book. "Here you go, little one," Aro said making me look at him. He handed me a bottle of water. I smiled at him before I grabbed it from him. "Thank you," I said before opening it up. 

"So, Amber...we have something we should talk to you about before you fall back asleep," Aro said as he went to stand by Marcus. "What is it?" I asked before I took a sip of the water. 

"We want to let you know that we are going to tell your dad in order for you to move in with us," Caius said making me looked at the three of them. "What is your idea?" I asked before taking another sip. "We thought we should tell your dad that Bella, Edward, and Alice left you at a school in Volterra. That's where we met you and found out how smart you are. That is where we gave you a full ride to the school." Caius said. 

"We would tell your dad that we are the schools deans and we will have Jane and maybe Alec can tell him that you guys got to talking and that they would be there for you when you are at the school." Aro said. 

"I will work." I said before putting the bottle down in the cup spot on my chair. "Why do you think that?" Marcus asked. "Well, for around three maybe four years ago......the school that I am going to, they had me get tested." I said. "Tested for what?" Caius asked. "Inteillgence in a sense. They had me take this gifted tested. After I aced it the first time and aced it again the second and third time.........getting the same score on each test. After the results came back all three times, my dad has been looking all over the states to find a school that will make my education better than the public school that I still go to." I said. 

"He even has taken extra shifts at the station to be able to pay for a school that will make it so I could go to a school that will take kids or people like me." I added before yawning. "Close your eyes, Mio Caro (my dear)." Aro said. 

I hummed before I grabbed the blanket again. I wrapped the blanket around my body. I looked out the window, trying to fall back asleep.........but I couldn't. I could not close my eyes or fall asleep. Aro walked over to me. He made sure that my seatbelt was unbuckled before he picked me up. He sat down where I was before he put me on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I hummbed before I put my head on his cold clothed chest. 

Aro put his chin on the top of my head before my eyes slowly closed. I took deep breaths, his scent filling my lungs. I felt Aro move one of his arms, only for me to feel him running his cold fingers through my hair. After a few more deep breaths and after he ran his hands through my hair a couple of times I was able to fall asleep. Knowing and feeling safe in his arms. Knowing that I am safe on the plane with the rest of my mates and the guards that my mates trust. I snuggled into his chest, making him hold my head with his right hand. His left arm is wrapped around my waist making sure I didn't fall out of his lap. 

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