I Love You Too Idiot

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*highschool AU*

*dazai pov*

i slowly started to zone out sitting with my head down on my desk counting the seconds before i could go home.


my teacher says as i pull out of my daze to him standing in front of me

"the answer"

i looked behind him to the board still not fully in my head"im sorry sir i don't know"

i said quietly my head falling back down

"paying attention is something we should ALL work on"

the teacher says eyeing dazai 

"how about you mr.frances the answer"


he says making fun of dazai as the whole class erupts into laughter.

after what felt like hours the bell rang and i jumped up avoiding all eye contact running to the school bathrooms and pulling out my blade drawing sweet lines of release before running back out to meet chuya at the front like i always do.

"your late"

he says as i rush up 

"oh come now chuya only as few seconds"

i say plastering on my signature faked smile 

he gave me a curious look before saying

"be faster next time bandage"

"oh chuya you wound me"

i say falling to my knees as dramatic as possible

"can it shitty i need to come to your house tonight my parents are going to be home"

chuya had been avoiding his parents ever since they found out he was gay he  never gave them a chance to tell him if they supported him he just hid at dazais but dazai didn't push it

"ok chuya"

dazai says with  a big cheesy smile before letting it drop remembering the state of his house right now from the bloody tissues and mess to the alcohol bottles and cigarete buds chuya would know dazia fell into his old habits.


dazai screams

"what idiot don't scream"

chuya says with a hint of annoyance 

"can you give me five min to clean before you come innnn"

"its not like ive never seen a mess what are you hiding"


dazqai says cursing himself for the stutter

"well if its nothing than why dose it matter"
chuya says pulling out his key dazai gave him so he could come over whenever he wants 


dqazai says gaining his composure


chuya says pushing the door open to be imjidetly smacked in the face by the smell of substance

dazai had himself scrunched up arms above his head waiting for the responce he was used to but instead he was taken into a warm hug by chuya.


dazai says confused 

"you started again didn't you"

dazai could not hold in what hed been holding in anymore and became overwhelmed falling into sobs on chuyas chest 

"im *hich* s-sorry"

chuya wordlessly picked the brunet up despite being small and carried him through the house closing the door and not bothering to take his shoes off taking him to his room.

 opening the door he was again hit with a scent but instead of liquor and cigs it was just a sad smell.

he placed dazai down who had cried himself to sleep before scanning the room.

there where empty pill bottles and letters on the side table and laundry and empty bottles littering the floor. he entered the bathroom breath hitching at the sight there was a bathtub completely blood-soaked and bloody razors just witting on the counter and a half empty bottle of Xanax terribly hidden.


chuya said to himself before going to wake the brunet


he said taping the brunet lightly


whats this

he said holding up the razor dazais eyes lit up with fear as he stumbled on his words 

"its a umm a i-"

"lift them up"

"your sleves...now"

chuya said dazai slowly lifted his sleeves to show his bandages

"i can take them o-"
"no dont ill do it"

chuya said slowly unwrapping them it wasn't hiss first time he always wrapped and un wrappecx them in the past but he didn't think hed ever have to do it again.

he slowly started seeing blood and ends of cuts as he unrolled hit finally when the bandages hit the floor chuya started to tear up but tried his best not to show it dazais already extremely scared arms  cuts fresh ones overlapping old ones in new places but the one that hurt the most was the big red one going up his wrist chuya leaned down and kissed it before getting up wordlessly to get the cleaner leaving dazai flustered.


chjuya said dazai listened and gave him his arm as chuya lightly tapped the cuts with cleaner making sure to clean them all and seeing if any needed stitches dazai knew how to so the on himself though so most of them where already done up he looked up after finishing wrapping the to a teary dazai 


hew said touching the boys cheak who flinched away but melted into it 

"sorry im so sorry sorry"

dazaii mumbled under his breath 

"shhh its not your fault go to sleep well clean up tomorrow"


dazai said already drifting to sleep in chuyas arms

"love you"
"love you too idiot"

and with that the two fell asleep in each others arms peacefully sleeping for the first time i so long.

please help me get ideas

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