30. Heartless

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I blink and I stare at her in disbelief. She has to be joking. This can't be happening. 


"Because of you! You did something! We just got his phone. Why else did he call you so many times! Why did he text you?! What did you do to him?!" She screams. 

I hold onto the wall of the building for support. 

He called me so many times, he texted me. And I ignored it. I did this. 

"Is he.."

"They're pumping his stomach.." She cries. 

She looks into my eyes with the most anger I've ever seen. 

"If he's dead, it's your fault." She turns around and goes into the hospital. 

My knees go weak and I fall to the ground. I curl up into myself. 

"Shit, shit, shit.." 

"You know it's not true right? You can't make someone kill themselves. She's just upset." Aron says calmly. 

I look up at him. 

He doesn't give a fuck about Chase. 

"Of course you would say that." 

"And what does that mean?" He's annoyed. It's like this is all just a huge inconvenience to him. 

"You don't give a fuck about Chase! In fact, you'd probably be happy if he's dead!" I scream. 

"Please." He says irritated. 

I think about when Chase called me all those times. And Aron spoke to him. He called him a nuisance, he made him feel like shit. 

"This is your fault." I say, anger rising inside me. 


I rise to my feet. 

"You called him! You made him feel worthless, if you hadn't done that none of this would be happening!" I scream. 

"You don't know what you're saying.."

It feels like all the anger I've kept inside during the car ride is exploding now. 

"I'm saying the truth! It's your fault! You did this!" I yell. 

He sighs and looks away. 

"You know what? Why don't you just go? You're the nuisance here." I say coldly. 

He takes a step back. He looks tired and hurt. 

"Is that what you want?" He asks quietly.


We share a long look. 

"I'll call you later." He turns around. 


I turn around and walk into the hospital. 

I ask for Chase at the reception and they point me to his room. 

When I reach it, I stand outside and look through the window. 

My heart beats fast as I see him with his eyes open. 

Loren and the rest of his family are all talking to him looking happy. 

I sigh of relief because he's still alive.

He lays very still and he's looking at Loren as she talks. But he doesn't seem to be listening.

Then his eyes move to the window. To me.

Ghosts Of The Past [BoyxBoy] ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang