40. Baby

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It's lunchtime at school. Weeks after my act of disloyalty. I've been avoiding the living hell out of Loren for obvious reasons. Aron and I are fine. Mostly cause I'm always silent and very compliant. He's asked me multiple times what's wrong and I tell him I'm just tired from therapy. He doesn't buy it. He's been getting annoyed with me again, as have I. I was always a good liar. 'A good actor' as Loren put it. Not with him. Dammit.

I'm sitting outside with the guys. Aron forgot his lunch (very unlike him, but that's what happens when you date a train-wreck) so he went inside to buy some. 

I'm barely listening to the guys' conversation when Loren turns up. 

She's wearing her normal 'popular girl' uniform (skinny jeans, trendy crop top, sneakers) and her makeup mask is right back on her face. But somehow it looks off. Her hair isn't perfectly straight, her eyeliner is the tiniest bit smudged.. it's unlike her. Normally she looks meticulously perfect.

She eyes me intently. 

"Can we talk?" She asks. 

The guys watch us curiously. 

I look around if Aron's anywhere in sight. 

"I'm kind of busy." I say. 

"We need to talk." She says. She looks like she could cry any moment. 

"Fine." I agree quickly. I don't want her making a scene. 

"Not here." I say as I lead her to the side of the school. It's deserted here.

I turn to face her. Her arms are crossed and she's avoiding eye-contact. I'm sure she's gonna start a whole rant about how we should get back together or how much our quickie meant to her but I don't wanna hear it. I can't. 

"Look, Loren. Whatever happened with us was just a one time thing. I'm with Aron and we're happy, okay? So just let it go. It didn't mean anything." I say this without feeling even an inch of regret. It's just the truth. Honestly, at this point I just feel dead inside. 

She looks hurt but not surprised. 

"Well, maybe it meant something to me." Her voice is close to breaking. 

"Too bad." I say harshly. 

More pain in her eyes. I ignore it. 

"Are we done?" I walk past her. 

I hear a bitter laugh behind me. 

"I'm pregnant." She says like it's nothing. 

I stand still.

She has to be kidding. This has to be some sick joke, right?

I turn around and face her. There's not an inch of humor in her face. Just flat pain. 

"Is this one of your schemes again? You acting again?" I say more to myself than to her. I try to convince myself this isn't true. 

She shakes her head. 

"Maybe it's someone else's." I say this, almost accusing her. 

She swallows. "There was no one else."

I stomp my foot, trying to make it not true.

"We used a fucking condom!" 

A tear runs down her cheek. She's shaking as she wipes it away. 

"Aren't you on the pill?!"

"I went off it when we broke up." She says quietly as she stares at the ground. 

Oh my God. Oh my God. I can't believe this.

I lean onto the wall of the school for support. 

"Well, you're having it removed right?!" It's a stupid question to ask. Of course she's having it removed. She has to. She has all these big plans of getting into college early and what not else. A baby isn't in her five year plan. 

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